meeting Alan

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Kellins P.O.V

"Hey Kellin what's wrong"
Someone said
"Oh nothing um can you help find my room I asked Mr, Carlisle
"Sure just follow me"
So we started walking down a bunch of hallways
"B 112 here's you room"
He said
"Thank you Mr, Carlisle"
I said
"You don't have to be so formal just call me Austin"
"Ok Mr- I mean Austin"
Wow kellin
He just smiled at me
"Ok I'll let you set up your room"

Few moments later

I heard a knock on the door so I walked to see who was at the door
"Hi I-i'm Alan and
- he showed me a slip of paper that says B 112
Were roommates"
"Oh ok thats why there's two beds and dressers"
He just smiled
"Oh my name is Kellin"
I said
"It's nice to meet you"
He said and put his hand to mine
I kinda just stared at it then went to shake his hand then he went to high five me then we just put both are hand at our side he then smiled and we both starting laughing
It felt like 10 minutes pasted
of us just rolling on the ground laughing
"Um hi guys we have a meeting in the reflection room"
Austin said
I looked over at Alan and he staring at Austin
"Oh hi it's seems like I haven't meet you yet what's your name?"
He said smoothly
"Oh my name is alan"
He blushed
"Oh it's nice to meet you Alan I'll see you down stairs"
I looked over at Alan and he was a literal tomato
"Oh you got a crush"
I said in a sing song way
"No I don't!"
He squealed
"Sure let's go"
He said before I could tease him any longer
So we walked down to the reflection room thanks Pete that there was a fairly large sign that says  

reflection room

So me and Alan walked in
and sat down in a comfy chair and it looked like we were the first ones there
A second pasted until Austin walked along side a girl with blond hair it was cut at the side and a older women
"Hey guys the others should be here soon"
The blond girl said
We just nodded our heads

First there was a boy with red hair right above his shoulders and then there was a boy who sort of looked like the red haired boy hmm I wonder if their related and then there was a Mexican group came in if I may say they were cute the one that had a turtle top was holding hands with the tall one
And the one who had spiky hair was telling the short one something that made him laugh
Then there was a boy who was wearing a skeleton sweater and had Black Paint on his neck and hands
Then one came in right after he had pink hair kinda in a mohawk
And then there came a short boy couldn't be over 16 years old he had Black Black hair and a little eye makeup on
And then this work of art walked in everyone looked over at him because he was the last one
He had brown hair it kinda looked messy but in a good way he looked tense he then look around and walked over to me and sat down

"Ok now that your all here let's do the thing we're we say our names and facts about each other Alan do you want to start?"

I hope you find this enjoyable
And I hope you had a great day/night
I love writing books
And yes I'm having a bunch of band members in this book

There's annoying fly In my TERRITORY agha

Qotd: what's your favourite bands?

I have 1000

Edited 09/5/2017

649 words

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