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Just want to tell you, LOVE yourself and if you are down for some stupid reason, like idk a friend is bitching, here is a song-translation for you guys...

Please tell me what you think of it, I will make the original lyric in it but PLEASE I had to translate it in English from German When I make this (()) It means it's not the texts just for the contexts for your understanding.

xoxo chihuahua(I'll explain that nickname later)

So yeah

It's the song from Mark Foster- Sowieso

Song writers are: Michael Geldreich, Ralf Christian Mayer, Christoph Bauss, Jules Kalmbacher, Daniel Nitt, Fridolin Walcher, Mark Cwiertnia 

Here is the song: 

Ey stranges kleines Leben, (ey strange, little life) verläuft auf Seitenwegen (walks on sideways).

Ich such die Mitte, (I search the middle) doch mein Glück liegt meist daneben (but my luck is mostly beside it).

So selten Flugrakete ( so rare a rocket), bin mehr so Zugverspäterung (I'm more like a late Arrival (at a train)),

doch die Ernte gut gesät ( but the marvel is good sown) und Ich habe keinen Stress mit Warten (and I have no stress with waiting).

Geh auch durch schlechte Phasen ( I go also throw bad phases), ich bin geduldig und nehme zum Schluss die besten Karten (I'm patient and take at the end the best cards/ „Meaning: I always take the best moments, if you can't guess it).

Und fällt der Jenna-Turm, egal gib eh Verlängerung (and if the Jenga-tower falls, it makes no difference give (me) the extra time).

Halt neuer Plan dann, ey Leben ist Veränderung( Wait, new plan, than (ey) life is a change).

Egal was kommt, es wird gut sowieso,( It makes no difference what comes, it will be good anyways)

Immer geht ne neue Tür auf, irgendwo(  there will always be an open door, somewhere).

Auch wenn's grad nicht so läuft, wie gewohnt( Also if (your life) doesn't go like it used to).

Egal, es wird gut sowieso. (It makes no difference it will be good, anyways.)

It was an little bit of the text to feel better...

So...Chihuahua is my nickname because someone (my classmates) thought I sound like an angry chihuahua when I'm angry...I don't know but it's funny so I like it (kinda)

Hope it somehow help you❤️


Next chapter (I hope will be a "normal" imagine) 

I mostly got the inspiration to do this throw my music teacher, she told us to focus more on the lyrics of songs (she was young in the 1970s-1780s( I GUESS I don't know like you know you don't ask a woman about her age!) at this time Germany had some historical struggles ( wall between east and west...blablabla you know what I mean if not look it up I'm not a history teacher)

I also want people 1. stop thinking German is an angry language 2. Germans are coldhearted (Yes, people believe this),  German "culture music" mostly are love songs!! 3. to be more culture open and see new aspects of the world 4. feel good and see that there is an open door behind ever fail 💋


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