Paranormal (p3)

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"Go with a stranger? Nope thank you rather be with my friends and my 1D-Poster...delete log out, good bye!", You said to him, like you would go with this boy. 


"1D? Who?", he asked confused. "There who doesn't know who 1D is hm? By the way I would even come with you-"HEY I wasn't finished I- You cut yourself because you aren't in your room anymore...nor a house. It was a forest. GREAT you thought to yourself. " talked to much. I forgot that girls talk without breathing", he said to you smugly. ok (Y/N) maybe if you're nice he'll let you go...just be the nice girl next door. "So...what am I doing here?", you asked like an angel and made him more confused as he was with 1D. "What a min...are you just acting like that or", he asked you. "What do you mean? I'm like this", you explained in a lovely voice that mad his head spill, because he has never met a girly girl. "What is it? Cat got your tongue?", you asked. He was never so confused all girls he met in his time were still girly but not so kind to him. "Well...even better the boys are gonna like a mother who the can protect", he said to you when he finally came back to his mind. Fuck....that what you planed. Keep it cool act like you don't know nothing about stuff and be shy af..."What cat got your tongue now, hm?", he laughed and both of you were in a camp. " your mother treat her with respect as you would me! Understand!", he told everybody.  They all nodded and sat down to listen to you. You must say that boys never toke a liking on you. BUT the gag is (lit. Ariana Grande no? ...OK) you never noticed that some boys are falling head over heels for you. 

"Now no need to be shy?", Peter Pan said to you and looked at the boys than, "I'll be back."

After you got to know the boys a little bit better you found out that Peter Pan never was a nice boy...that he is a demon and takes what he wants. Where have you gotten yourself into?! The days passed and you got more and more "confident" more like lost your shit while being sweet. Not that you are it's just that your a feminist and like ain't nobody will say what you can and can't. Interesting is that you found a liking in this place. Pan as you should call him is as you heard a demon but to you when your alone he has quite the gentleman. You where impressed but also you are a really clever girl who thinks this is just a game to him. Everyday he would try and get you to notice that he "likes" you. 

Today was a day when he is trying to hard and gets to your nerves so you walked out of camp and to a little spot near the sea. You're wondering what your family is doing and your get home sick and let a small tear roll down your face. "there you are!-" Pan please not now", you cut him of trying not to cry. "Are you alright?", his voice changed to a worried one. "I'm it's just I-"Home sick I know", he sat next to you in the sand. 

"How did-"I can feel it...not in a cheesy way... god no...I can feel when something isn't right on the island. It's weird to explain. It's like I have with the island a connection, everything and everyone on the island is connected to me too. Emotionally wise. You want to go home do you?", he asked now sad. "Well, I mean my family-"Is here?", he cut you with hopeful eyes. "No...I'm sorry. It was fun and all", you explained to him. "But I don't what you to leave", he said hurt. "We'll find a way? what if I visit you every night before I go to bed and be I don't know some time in Neverland and than you bring me home and repeat? That would be an idea?", you said. "And you really mean that you are willing to come back?", he asked. "Yes...I promise", you promised and he smiled. "You know...everybody says I'm a demon but you still treat me like-"Like the boy that I see in you...I treat people like they treat me. If you treat me nice I'll too", you cut him of. All of a sudden he hugged you. 


I'll make a mini series out of that if you want. I have an idea with that...

good night 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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