Reason 94-103

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These are just 'lessons' from Twilight beside the obvious that 'boys are necessary to live a happy life'

 94: Secrets are great!! Especially life threatening ones!!

95: It's okay for your partner to be dangerous, dimwitted, violent, and vengeful -AS LONG AS HE HAS GREAT ABS-

96: If a boy tells you to stay away from him because he is dangerous and may even kill you, he must be the love of your life. You should stay with him since he will keep you safe forever.

97: When a boy leaves you, going into shock, losing all your friends and enduring night terrors are completely acceptable occurrences — as long as you keep your grades up.

98: It is extremely romantic to put yourself in dangerous situations in order to see your ex-boyfriend again. It's even more romantic to remember the sound of his voice when he yelled at you.

99: Boys who leave ALWAYS come back 

100: You should use said male to fix things because girls are incapable of anything mechanical or technical.

101: Lying to your parents is fine. Lying to your parents while you run away to save your suicidal boyfriend is an extremely good idea that shows your strength and maturity. Also, it is what you must do.

102: Car theft in the service of love is acceptable.

103:If the boy you are in love with causes you (even indirectly) to be so badly beaten you end up in the hospital, you should tell the doctors and your family that you "fell down the steps" because you are such a silly, clumsy girl. That false explanation always works well for abused women.

((((AN: REASON 100!!!!!!!! The website I used for all of these -they have more there's 20- is...

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