On my own.

757 18 14

*********** ⚠️trigger warning ⚠️***********
Near rape

I jumped at the sound of the doors of the orphanage slamming behind me. This is it? They're just going to kick me out? I have no where to go hint orphanage?? I had no clue as to where to start. I couldn't believe they just shoved me out here on my own without even the simplest of I'm sorrys or help at all. I mean sure I wasn't always the best kid at the orphanage and I got in a lot of trouble but this isn't fair just because I turned eighteen.

  I sighed and accepted that I was pretty much homeless as I walked across the street and into the woods. It was about three o' clock and I was scared to be out here alone when it got dark. I could take care of myself against the kids in the orphanage it I didn't know what I could do with grown men out on the streets. I came across some railroad tracks and decided I'd sit and just think for a while. I began to toss rocks at the green octagon sign.

"You know you shouldn't do that, girl." A mans voice came from behind me. I spun around to see two men approaching me. "We've been following you from the orphanage."

"That's creepy don't ya think?" I asked as I got to my feet trying to move away from the two men. "What do you want?"

The two men snickered, "Well it's gets mighty lonely on the streets and to tell ya the truth girly, we have fucked a woman in quite some time." The ugliest one said.

"Well I suggest you two continue to fuck each other because I'm not the one to mess with." I said trying to bluff that I wasn't afraid. The men laughed at me and began to move towards me. I began to walk backwards and slipped as I was trying to turn around to run. I landed on my stomach and tried to get up to run but it was to late. One of the men was already holding me down. "Get off me!" I yelled.

"Now pipe down little one." The ugly one said. "It'll be over in just a moment."

"Speak for yourself, mate." The other one holding me down said. I managed to get one of my arms free and elbow the guy holding me in the face. "Agh!" He said as he fell off me. I took my chance and ran but the ugly one caught me by my hair.

"Ya know I may cut your hair off for a souvenir." He said.  We were in the middle of the train tracks now and the ugly guy turned me around to face his buddy. "Now let's see what's under all those layers."

The guy who had held me down brought out a pocket knife and went to cut up my shirt when all of a sudden a loud whistle rang out and a red blur pierced the man head and then wrapped around and shot through the ugly mans side and through his chest. The men both dropped dead in their tracks. The red lazier or beam was now nowhere to be seen.

All of a sudden a guy dropped down from above me. I went to look up to see where the hell he came from but I screamed as a bright beam of light came down and my feet left the ground. I looked back down to see if it was really happening or if I was loosing my mind. I was floating up with this weird man who had saved me. I looked up to see a huge aircraft hovering over me. This wasn't a normal air craft though... something screamed extra-terrestrial. "What's happening?" I asked in panic.

"The names kraglin." He said. "And please hold all questions until we get on board." He said so casually as if he'd done this a thousand times. The doors opened and we were quickly sucked inside and I had to steady myself as I felt the thrust of the ship taking off.

"Okay what the hell is going on who are you-" I said but cut off as I looked around the ship.... these men weren't normal. They weren't... human. "Let me off this thing."

"No can do, Samantha." Kraglin said. I looked at him.

"How do you know my name?" I asked. "And are y'all... aliens?" The entire crew busted out laughing.

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