Well shit...

542 13 0

I woke up before anyone else did and decided to get a shower before I had my big stressful day. I made sure to grab a towel before making my way to the showers. I had my iPod in my ears and was completely oblivious to my surroundings. I walked into the showers only to stop dead in my tracks. Yondu was stepping out of one of the showers.... naked. He had a towel drying his face so he hadn't noticed me and that was a relief. I knew I should have fled but honestly... I knew I didn't want to. I knew taking a peek of an unexpecting Yondu was wrong but I was to intrigued not to.

I let my eyes run down his toned torso and down to his nether regions. I took in the sight and it was great. It was a shade or two darker blue than the rest of his body, thick and long even for it being soft. It looked like it was ribbed but other than being blue and ribbed it look like a human penis. I bit my lip a the dirty thought coming to my head. "Damn girly." Yondu said bringing the towel down off his face and jumping at the sight of me not knowing I was there. He didn't get in any hurry to cover himself after finding me there though.

I almost wanted to scream. I could feel my cheeks turning the reddest of reds and I could have sworn my heart stopped. I didn't say anything instead I just ran. I ran as fast as I could to my room and slammed the door shut. I slinked down to the ground and sat there with my back up against the door. What did I just do! I stood there! I stared like an idiot! I should have ran away at the first glance before he knew I was there. Why did he have to lower that damn towel. What the fuck just happened. Why didn't he cover up once he saw me.... was Kraglin right did he have some sort of crush on me?

I decided not to step foot out of my room until I was sent for. I sat there for two hours before there was a knock on my door. I almost didn't open the door for fear of Yondu being on the other side. I sighed and decided that it was a accident, a simple mistake and all humans made them.... but Yondu wasnt human. I opened the door and to my surprise it was taserface. "Cap said it's time to go." He grumbled. He didn't wait to walk with me ore anything he just left me there. I sighed and followed him from afar to an M-ship that Yondu was waiting by. Yondu looked at me and smiled a big shit eating grin. I looked down at the metal floor and wouldn't look at him again.

I guess taser had talked Yondu into letting him go because he didn't want to be left behind. I was surprised at how much room was on one of these smaller ships. I mean this thing could have been very well a living ship for three, maybe five people, and comfortably. I sat a a table while the three men went up to the cockpit. It didn't take long before I felt the ship take off. Scrote and taser never spoke a word to me but of course out of all the men they were the ones who hated me.

About an hour after we had been flying through space taser and scrote came down from the cockpit. Taser glared at me, "Capt. wants ya." Taser sat at a table across the way from me. I gulped and I could feel tears coming to my eyes. I had hoped he'd just let this morning go but of course he had to be a dick about it. I got up and slowly walked up to the cockpit.

The big blue prick was setting at one set of the control panels. He looked over his shoulder and smiled, "Come on, Sam, ya need to learn how to fly this thing." He turned his attention back to the scenery in front of him. I cocked my head to the side, was he not going to rub it in my face that he caught me staring at his junk? "Come on sit down." He ordered huskily now.

"Okay." I said. I sat down at the other control panel and watched how he controlled the ship. I put my hands on the handles just as him. He smirked in agreement. "Okay, what now?" I asked in a hushed tone.

"Bring the left one back twice really fast to take over." He said. I looked at him. "What?"

"You're not going to show me what to do?" I asked panicked. "Like what happens if I loose control? How do I make it go up or down?"

My ravagerحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن