Mixed emotions

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"Come on, girly." Yondu said as he tapped my hand hanging off the cot with his foot. I opened my eyes and remembered where we were. Contraxia. I hated this place. Now more than ever since I made out with Yondu and I knew he was going to fuck some random sexbot tonight. I sighed and laid there ignoring his order to get up, "Come on, we got to celebrate."

"I'm not in the mood to celebrate." I said. He sighed and I knew he was getting angry. "Just go with out me, damn." Yondu cocked his head at me.

"Scrote why don't you go on," He said, "Apparently I need to take care of someones attitude." He squared up to me as scrote left the ship. I flenched as the ship doors shut. I was waiting for Yondu's yelling to begin but there was nothing. "You gonna tell me what's eating you?" I looked at him.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I said. He purses his lips.

"I don't buy it." He said, "Now what's wrong, Sam." I shrugged, "Damnit, girly you're going to tell me what's wrong or I'll-"

"I don't like this place." I blurted. He stopped and gave me a perplexed look.

"Is it because what I made you do?" He asked almost whispering. I sighed and rolled my eyes. "No. Then what is it?" I shook my head and walked past him. I didn't want to admit I was jealous of him being with any one especially a sexbot. Were they even alive? He grumbled something but I couldn't understand what. He followed me closely off the ship. "Are ya mad at me for something?" He asked. I shook my head wanting him to drop it.

"No, just leave me alone about it." I snapped. I saw peter, kraglin and the other ravagers coming from one of the allies leading to the main ship dock. Peter smiled and waved me over. I began to change course to meet up with him and kraglin but Yondu caught my arm and spun me back around to face him.

"Are you having regrets about what happened earlier?" He whispered. I looked down but shook my head. He looked over my shoulders and tried to think of a reason. He chuckled, "You're jealous aren't you?" I looked up at him. "You thinking I'm gonna fuck one of them aren't ya?"

I could feel myself blushing, "Don't you always?" He smirked at me.

"Usually, but why when I'm working on getting with someone like you?" Yondu said casually, "I ain't stupid enough to ruin this." He looked at my arm that he had grabbed and let go. "Don't worry about that, not what I'm here for." He walked off from me. I stood there thinking over what he'd just said. I began to chew on my thumb nail, a habit I've been trying to break.

"What the hell did you do to make him mad?" Peter asked coming up to me. I shrugged my shoulder. "Well, how was your mission with the captain?" Peter asked smiling a shit eating smile.

"It was uneventful." I said lying my best lie. He shrugged.

"Well, maybe next time." He said. "Missions are always better when there's action involved." He smiled, "Hey there's someone here I want you to meet." He tugged on my elbow to get me to follow him.

Inside the Whore house-lets face it thats what it was- we went straight to the bar. At the bar there was a tall and beautiful green woman. She smiled when she saw Peter and gave him a small but meaningful kiss. Her gaze turned to me, "Who is this?" Her voice seemed a tad jealous, I don't know why because she was beautiful like I said.

"This is Samantha Yondu's new recruit." Peter said. "Sam this is Gamora."

"Well, you weren't lying she is pretty." I said as I shook Gamoras hand. "He's talked so much about you." I could tell Gamora still wasn't to pleased with me. I guess Peter was also in tune with her vibes.

"Hey don't worry..." Peter giggled, "I'm not her type." He looked at me and smirked as he turned around and ordered three drinks.

"Oh yea?" Gamora asked not amused. "How so?" She crossed her arms as the drinks arrived.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2018 ⏰

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