Chapter 2: The New Girl

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     You sat in class with Shido, waiting for the teacher to show up and start class. You didn't like school, but you hated the slow agonizing feeling of boredom you got even more than you hated school. As the teacher walked in you thought to yourself like you did everyday, "How does she look just as young as us?"
     You barely caught what she said, something about a new student. Now she called that new student in. You watched with mild interest as the girl walked in and wrote her name down on the board. While she wrote that you studied her.
     She was wearing the winter version of the school uniform, had jet black hair, and red eyes. Well, at least you thought they were red, since you could only see her right eye. Even seeing it had been brief before she turned to the board. The left was hidden behind one of the bangs of her hair, so for all you knew it could be another color all together.
     You stopped looking as she turned to face the class. "My name is Tokisaki Kurumi, and I'm a Spirit." You barely gave any reaction to that statement. What the hell was a Spirit? Unbeknownst to you, Shido, Origami, and Tohka all knew what that meant, and took notice.

     Behind you, Jack and the hooded man looked on. Jack in curiosity, the hooded man in muted worry for you. "The bloody hell is a Spirit?" Jack demanded, while the hooded man turned to him to explain. "If you had bothered to study the minds and memories of the boy and his housemates like I did, you'd know what they are. Their beings capable of great powers beyond comparison, and so far, three have appeared, and they have all been sealed by Shido there." Looking to Shido, Jack tilted his head for a moment. Then looked back to the hooded man.
     "You must be taking the piss mate, because there's no way in hell that pathetic bugger could manage to hit a fly. Much less seal the kinds of Spirits you just described." The hooded man sighed. "Normally I'd agree with you Jack. But think about it. He has kissed all the girls who live with him at some point or another in his life, and they were all Spirits at one point or another."
     Jack looked at the hooded man with a look of pure doubt and skepticism. "Your telling me if the bugger kisses them he seals their power or something?" He demanded, crossing his arms. "As stupid as it sounds Jack. It's true, so you can bet he'll try to kiss her the first time she transforms." Jack shook his head. "Stupid ass bugger." He muttered to no one in particular.

     You glanced behind you, feeling like there was someone right behind you. When you saw no one but your classmates you looked back to the front, Kurumi glancing at you with a smile as she said. "I'm new, so could someone show me around?" Wanting out of class you raised your hand, and she smiled at you.
     "Thank you. What's your name?" Keeping quiet you walked up to her and walked out with her. "(F/N)" You said simply as you stopped. "So where you wanna go first Kurumi?" You asked, ignoring the feeling of something watching you. You'd been having the feeling so much now you just gave up on trying to stop it. "Well I haven't seen anything of the school, so I'd appreciate you helping me around all of it if that's ok?"
     Shrugging you started to walk off. "We can start at the nurse's office. Then work our way around from there." As you walked you failed to notice that Kurumi had glanced at you, a devious smile on her face. However you did notice what sounded like men talking to each other. Taking out your phone you checked it, weird. Nothing was open on your phone, so that wasn't it.

     "Dammit, he can't hear us." The hooded man growled as they both followed you. "If she can already sense us, he might be in too much danger for us to bother with."
     Jack looked at him, unnerved by the fact Kurumi could sense them as it was. "Then we don't let her touch him. Simple as that." The hooded man growled. "And if she does something to us instead? What do we do then? Huh Rasputin?" Jack demanded, the fact he referred to the hooded man by name now showing how shaken he was.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2019 ⏰

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