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Okay, this is gonna be a little story about how I got sick for TwO wEeKs.

My brother is a huge twat okay, and he was sick for like two days. And my mom and I were telling him to stay away from us a little so he didn't get us sick. (As you read this next part you should know, he was 15 when this happened. 15.) And he was arguing with us and saying stuff like, "I won't get you sick! I can't get you sick its not contagious!" And I kid you not. He walks over to me and breathes in my face. WHY? I DONT KNOW!

So I yelled at him for breathing on me while he was sick and he just laughed and went back to his room.

*two days later*

I'm the only sick person in the house, I can barely breath I'm so stuffed up and I'm in pain. SO FRICK YOU IT WASN'T CONTAGIOUS. So for the next two weeks (with Medicine!) I was so sick that I couldn't talk. Everyone made fun of me because when I tried to talk my voice would crack and I would sound terrible (*cough* Zopher59 *cough*)

Also, some teachers wouldn't call on me on purpose because they knew my voice hurt (so thank you to those teachers!) It was not the same for one teacher though.

To be continued in the next chapter oooooooooh

Mkay bai

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