Chapter 1 Run

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3rd person

Tomas and anxiety were walking down the street chatting here and there. they had been walking around because Tomas just wanted to talk with anxiety to see if he and anxiety could find anyway through anxiety thinking he always made thing worse and work through it, and make their relationship better. It was currently dark outside although anxiety said to just wait and go for a walk in the morning but Tomas had insisted they go. As they walked under a streetlight near an alley anxiety got more anxious than he already was and it turned out to be for good reason too.

"Cmon anxiety talk work with me here! There has to be something we can compromise on!"
"Then talk to princey he has all the creative ideas" after anxiety got done talking they heard a noise from the alley they just passed stopping to turn around anxiety saw a very threatening looking gang of people. Tomas turned around and was frozen with fear. Anxiety knew that they had to run but was running out of time as the gang grew closer. Seeing as they were tall and looked a little more fit to be honest then Tomas and anxiety, anxiety knew that there was only one way he knew that would get Tomas of unharmed and alive

He had to distract them

"Tomas run!" Anxiety yelled at Tomas turning him around and shoving him off. Tomas ran and turned around at that time to see anxiety getting punched, kicked, bruised, and even stabbed/cut because a small few of them had a knifes.

Anxiety saw Tomas look at him and weakly smiled only to be punched in the back of the head and stumble to the ground.

Sorry if it's bad or something Or if it's too short ;-; it's my first ever fanfic/story  I'll try to update a chapter at the very least once a week maybe once A day maybe a few times a day -\•_•/- anyway leave feed back I'd love to know what you think! :D
-Lunar ;)

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