Sengoku Kaname x Reader

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The quiet echo of the clock in the living room was the only sound in the apartment, the roaring downpour outside nothing but white noise at this point. Sengoku sat on the couch, fingers twitching as he waited.

Like he waited the past fifty minutes.

Fifty minutes past the time you were due home.

The seconds dragged by, turning into minutes and slowly into nearly an hour and he was growing restless; anxiety gnawing at him.

Was this what it was like for you when he disappeared for hours?

He could barely stand it, the urge to run out the door creeping up on him steadily. What if you had gotten into an accident? Or if some pervert tried to get at you?

He shuddered, standing abruptly - that was it, he was going out to look for you.

To be completely honest, he was disappointed in himself. The way you had looked that morning when you had to get ready to go to work, he had peeked at you from his place on the couch - pretending to be asleep. Your feet had dragged on the ground, eye bags more prominent than the last he had seen you, which was only a few hours before you had to get up. Your outfit was messily thrown on and you had attempted to clear your red eyes with eye drops it seemed.

The guilt had managed to choke him preventing him from saying anything. He wanted to talk to you, but you seemed so...


It killed him to know that he was the cause. The whole reason why you were so depressed. 

As he was throwing on his jacket, the lock to your shared apartment was turned. He whipped around and waited almost nervously to see your familiar figure.

The door opened and there you stood, soaked to the bone. Your clothes were sticking to you and he knew that that was one of your biggest pet peeves, having wet clothes adhere themselves to you.

You hadn't bothered to look up, kicking off your shoes and tossing the broken umbrella in the corner of the genkan. You looked too tired, and it pained Sengoku - as you were usually jumping around about a new release of something, chirping about a new topic about work, laughing at something you had read.

This wasn't you.

He made a move towards you and that seemed to break you out of your reverie, you looked up in curiosity, noticing him in his jacket and immediately your face was wiped clean of any emotion. He flinched and reached out a hand to offer some help.

"A-Are you O.K?" He croaked and he cursed himself internally.

You ignored him, brushing his hand aside and dropping your bag on the floor with a wet 'splat',  you continued to the bedroom, peeling off the clothes on your back as you went. He stared in bleak submission. He wasn't to get anywhere like this, he followed you, staring at the water trail until it stopped at the laundry hamper in the bedroom. The bathroom was closed, but he knew you were behind the door when he heard soft 'bump's and 'clunk's.

He took a deep breath then proceeded to open the door. 

The sight of your half naked body still took his breath away, despite being a professional dancer, surrounded by all those women at competitions dressed in extravagant gowns; you were still the most beautiful in a boring gray towel.

Warm water was still filling the tub and he noticed steam already filling the room, not wanting to drop the temperature he stepped into the room and closed the door behind him quietly, standing awkwardly as you continued to ignore his presence.

He cleared his throat, in hopes that you would acknowledge his existence, but they were dashed when you dropped the towel and stepped into the water without the slightest glance his way.

"Hey..." He tried instead, edging closer to where you sat. You spared him a cold glance before closing your eyes and leaning back in an attempt to relax.

"If you're going to go out, just go. You haven't ever asked me before, so don't start now." You growled, sinking deeper. He blinked once, twice, "What?" He was speechless, 

"Aren't you going out to have fun?" You uttered, finally opening your eyes to level him with a cool gaze that sent shivers running up and down his spine. He looked down at himself, realizing that he was still in his clothes from very early that same morning with his jacket on.

Of course you'd be even more pissed at him - it looked like he was headed out again.

"No, I'm not." He said, pulling off his coat and dropping it on the floor before taking a seat on the edge of the tub.

"I wanted to talk about this morning." You narrowed your eyes at him.

"What of it." You snapped, voice low and gravelly. He stared at you, his fingers wanting to tuck the hair sticking to your face behind your ears.

"I'm sorry I made you worry. I wasn't thinking at all, I should have called or something." He apologized, throat feeling a little tight.

You said nothing, and he was afraid that you would blow up at him. But you surprised him when your voice was nothing more than a whisper,

"You think I'm mad you didn't call?" He risked a glance at you and his heart ached at the sight of your red eyes, obviously trying to hold back tears.

"I'm more upset at the fact that you let those hostesses touch you like that. You're an adult, you don't have to call; I'm not your mother, Sengoku. But yes, maybe a text letting me know that you're alive would be nice every once in a while when you go out." He knew you could be more venomous, but it got the point across.

"You're right, I'm a taken man I shouldn't be spending time with other women." He grit his teeth, worried that you'd correct him about being a 'taken man'.

"You can, don't ever think you can't. You spend time with Tamaki and Chiduru all the time - sure I was jealous at first but they're your friends! They know that you're taken." You said, waving what he said away almost immediately. He breathed a small sigh of relief, but paused when your scowl deepened.

"It's just... it's just people I don't know - their morals might be totally skewed. They don't know me or you, and some people just don't care; some people will do almost anything if it means gaining something they want, right?" You said sadly, arms leaning on the side of the tub. He gave in to his desires, long fingers threading themselves through your damp locks. He leaned down, pressing a long kiss to your ear.

"I won't go anymore..." He breathed, breath warming your face. You leaned into his touch as his hand came to rest on your cheek.

"I won't do that anymore, so please - don't be upset." He murmured, lips touching your cheek lovingly. You hummed quietly, your head turning so your lips could touch the inside of his palm.

"You wasted a shit ton of money too." You said lowly, eyes sliding to his face. He scratched his cheek in shame, eyes looking at anywhere but you.

"I'll earn it back." He promised, leaning down to pepper your face in tender kisses.

"Oh, I don't doubt that." You smiled, for the first time that night.

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