Tip #1

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Before you start reading please check out my insta! @EclipseSlim

Tip #1! When you are starting your own slime account you mostly notice that there are a bunch of slimers. But you want to stand out. In order to do that you must be unique with your ideas! be unique with your username! Don't just copy someones username like this: EclipseSlimey, EclipsSlim, Do something like.. TheSlimeMomma, I don't suggest using numbers because it does not look very neat. In order too be unique with your ideas, don't say you created.. butter slime when you know you did not. Everyone will most likely know that aswell and might hate on you. Instead make slime art, Make special scented slime! It may take a while to get notice but that's okay!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2017 ⏰

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