Chapter One

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Today was...important, to say the least. Insects from all around the world, no matter what species they were, had gathered around this one large hive. 

The Royal Hive.

Yes, this was the day of the Bee Prince's coronation. After the death of his parents, and many, many more, it was finally time for him to be granted complete control of not only the Bees, but the entire Insecta of Tectum.

Every. Single. Insect. They were all either watching on their brand-new telecommunication devices, or crowding inside the Royal Hive to see it in person. Everybody wanted to see.

Except for you. Frankly, you didn't give a shit.

You decided to spend your time sitting on a branch near The Royal Hive, sipping nectar out of a tulip bulb, while your dragonfly friend, Diana, tried to cram herself in to get a spot. 

Even though you didn't give a shit, you decided to come with Diana. 

"Because I'm a nice person..." You uttered under your breath. The chants of the crowd next to you was driving you insane.

"Tiiiinsel~!" A voice called. It was loud and recognizable enough for you to hear it. 

Diana came rushing, her wings buzzing excitedly. "Tinsel! Tinsel!" She yelled once she stopped in front of you. 

"I'm listening..." You coughed, almost choking on the nectar. 

She took a deep breath before bursting out. "Tinsel! Guess what? I finally got reserved spots for us in the hive! Let's go already!" She excitedly took your wrist and tried to fly off, but was slowed by your weight. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" You stuttered, quickly spreading your wings and struggling to catch air. "I was comfortable!" 

Diana didn't listen. You two flew over the line of Insects waiting to be permitted, and the strong smell of honey invaded your senses. You almost gagged at the sudden change of atmosphere. 

The two of you landed behind one of the webs that divided the "Important Insects" and the "Common Insects". 

"I can't fuckin' wait!" Diana hissed, grabbing onto the web. "I wanna see them~!"

You ignored her and inspected the web. "Was this made by silkworms or...spiders?" 

"Yo, shut the hell up..." She whispered. "Just be patient, they'll come!"

And so you sat down, groaning. 


An hour went by before something actually happened. A bee clod in fancy clothing stood in the middle of the division and blew into a vuvuzela, grabbing everyone's attention. 

"Insects of Tectum! Welcome to the Grand Coronation of...uh..." The announcer trailed off, biting her lip.

"K-King Chartrusio! That's his name!" The rest of the Royal Bees near the end of the carpet sighed. 

She looked around before flying off, somewhat embarrassed. You heard whispers about how awkward and inexperienced she was. 

The royal advisories began to speak, which sounded like nonsense to you. They spoke for about a half an hour before something interesting. 

The doors to the throne room burst open, and the soldiers instantly straightened their position. Everyone began to cheer, and Diana flew up and grabbed the web. You stood up before doing the same, realizing why people were cheering.

The Prince, or now, King, was casually walking down the aisle, Soldier Bees saluting him as he passed. 

You brushed a white lock from your face and got a better look at him. He was taller than normal male bees, as well as having longer wings. Two long locks of black-brown hair cascaded over his shoulders.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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