where we going

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We were shoved into a box together with holes confused and scared fresh and error began moewing loudly, error put his paws through the holes sniffing, and trying to see where they were going he heard ink shh them trying to clam them down.

"We can't stay in here I can barely breath" error said breathing  heavily fresh was attempting to jump to the top but hit his head and fell down every time he jump and fell on error's tail making him hiss "sorry lil bro" he apologize "bro BRO!,I'm not your bro"he snapped .

Meanwhile outside the box

Ink was explaining to death  why they brought a box filled with holes into to him dream held the box nightmare didn't want to come so it was just them "I guess tori would want a cat she does say she gets lonely can I see them" he asked floating over to dream they heard hiss whimpers and loud meowing  dream rest the box on the ground and open it up reavling  two kittens who were nibbling at each others they stopped the colourful one jumped out with ease and sinff around watching them  ,he them looked around staying close to the box error however with his injured leg had more trouble getting out and had to tip the box over before finally being free death kept a good distance between them watching the kittens interact with the area . fresh went up sniffing the dead grass around reaper error saw a butterfly that land on his nose he narrow his eyes foucs on the butterfly it flew off his nose before he could attack  he chase the small creature without trying to hurt his paw but he ended up tripping and falling on top of fresh who hissed at him ,reaper grinned at their little interaction "so which one will you take reaper"dream asked smiling down at the kittens reaper glance back at kittens who  were looking at him confused "i guess ill take the one with the broken paw" he ssid they both smiled  .

Error struggled in ink's hands as he was put back in the box fresh  looked up at hin confused dream picked fresh up and scratch under his chin earning a purr form fresh he watched as ink hand the box with error in it to death  error had one of his paws in the air holes looking out meowing frightened and worried ,fresh eyes widen realizing what was going on  "error error error no error!" He scream out struggling in dreams arms dream was confused as to his sundden change in his behaviour "it's alright buddy he's going to a great home "he resure fresh ,he watch over dreams shoulders as error was taken away
Error warp himself in the box feeling lonely shaking in fear 'come on error you can't be afraid of them your the destroyer for gods sake- he was interrupted by reaper's voice and another "well sans isn't nice seeing you " the voice said "same for you tori" death replied to toriel "well I'm amusing you have a reason your carrying a box around"she asked error felt himself shiver at mention of the box he was in "hehe nothing gets by you huh tori?" Their was a beat of silence "well their is a reason I have a box,..its for you" he felt the movement of the box  the a bright light shine inside the box as toriel lift the cover open error whinpered looking up at toriel who was shock and surprised she  hands to her mouth "death you got me a kitten!" She squealed she threw her arms around him hugging him tightly error shakes even more 'I want fresh' he thought which surpised him he felt two big fluffy arms warp around him lifting him up he was face to face with goddess of life who was smiling at him like he was a blessing she pulled him close to her chest if error didn't have fur he'd be blushing, "I love him sans how'd you get him" she asked petting him "well ink had him and his brother and I got him " he replied "what happen to his brother" she question "dream adopted him "he answered she smiled and gave error a kiss on the cheek "he's so precious," she scratch his head he closed his eyes purring "what you'll name him?" he asked she looked at error who was staring at her frighten written all over his face "hmm how about lyla she"she respond he smirk and nodded "it sounds nice " he replied error  narrow his eyes 'isn't lyla a girl name?' his thought was cut of by the sudden pain in his back leg he hissed digging his claws into toriel "ow what's wrong lyla ?" She asked petting him "oh yeah his back paw is injured"he rubbed the back of his neck tori looked up at him then at error "oh you poor thing you must be in so much pain" she gently rest her hand on his leg he bite her arm death frown at his "you alright for I could-" he got cut off "no it doesn't hurt his teeth isn't fully grown in yet"she continued to put her hand on his paw then a light glowed around her hand and his leg ,tears filled error's eyes as his bite and growled in pain he wanted whatever she was doing to stop ,the light grew brighter  and more the pain hurt then he felt no pain  he was confused and looked at his leg which wasn't hurting no more and didn't hurt to move it he looked up at toriek who was smiling at him  he climb up and tried licking her face his paws rest on her breast making death jealous ,

Fresh lay on dreams couch full of kibble he was living the life though he didn't error to tease he felt rather lonely dream must of picked up on this realizing fresh wasn't his happy care free as he once was dream came inside the room with something in his hands"hey buddy I got you some thing form the store" dream said sitting on the ground in front of fresh who looked at him with saddish eyes"aww come on boy you know we couldn't adopt your brother "the mention of error made fresh's ears drop dream petted fresh "cheer up look what I got you" dream held up a purple collar with a license that said asher fresh watched it with curiosity swaying his tail form side to side dream put the collar on him putting the license in front Jingles of the Bells on the collar surprised fresh he stood up and tried playing with the bells but dream stopped him and showed him a mouse on a stick he chase the mouse for a good solid minute  then he ran into a wall that held a painting it fell on top of him  dream went over to him and took it of him fresh growled at how worried dream fresh hid under the couch error would've laughed at him "aww buddy you miss him that much " he meowed loudly under the couch " how bout this we visit them every month" he suggest fresh peeked out form under the couch dream giggled at how silly he looked fresh came out  and pounce
Error ran down the hill chasing the same butterfly form last time he tripe and went rolling down the hill toriel was near by watering some plants she felt something fluffy near her leg she looked down and saw error biting at her dress"you hungry Darling?" She picked him up and carried him over inside the house she the rest him down to get him a blow of cat food he followed her tail high in the air he watched as she pour some water in another blow she rest it down for him he eat it and soon joined her back outside ,she didn't give error/lyla a collar not wanting him to feel trapped.

He lay down on his side next to toriel who was watching fishes in a pond he did feel lonely without fresh but toriel was doing a great job of making him feel at home 'yeah I could get used to this"'

I hope u enjoyed this chapter sorry bout any mistakes lyla means dark beauty if u were wondering and asher means happy/joy (fresh was like a two days after they got separated same with error(

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2017 ⏰

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