WTDMTN Chapter 1

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Chapter One, Yoru's POV:

I was sitting outside under a tree, reading The Fault In Our Stars by John Green (A/N great book, bt-dubs). I wasn’t completely sure if I would even like it, but a friend had recommended it to me so I was taking the chance.

It was a really hot day in the middle of summer, but per usual for me I had dressed wrong for the occasion. I was in a grey v-neck shirt and black skinny jeans, but I wasn’t wearing shoes. My black Toms were lying beside me.

I pushed my black hair out of my face for about the tenth time. It was always getting in my way. I would get it cut, but I was so happy that it was finally down to my ass.

I pushed up my black Ray-ban sunglasses that were hiding my bright blue eyes. My eyes were the only thing about me that didn’t scream out, “NIGHT”.

You see, even my name means night. Yoru Kurai. Great name, right? WRONG. I was adopted when I was very young, and out of all of my family I am the only person who is not Japanese.

In fact, I’m quite the opposite. I stand at 5’ 7” tall, have extremely pale skin, and huge blue eyes. My black hair is the only thing that resembles my family.

So, back to where I was before. I was sitting outside, under this tree. I wasn’t really paying attention to anything else. I absent-mindedly took a sip of my tea that I had in a water bottle next to me. What? A girl has to have her tea.

I was about half way through the book when I felt someone staring at me. I looked up and around myself, and was met by a pair of black eyes. At first I was shocked. Then I took in the rest of the body.

It was a boy around my age, which was 17. His hair was golden and was spiked up, but not in a jelled way, more like he had just ran a nervous hand through it. It was kind of cute. His skin was very tan, like he spent a lot of time outside.  His eyes, much like mine, were the only thing that didn’t match him. Every inch of him screamed out, “DAY”.


Okay guys, I'll probably upload again tomorrow or something. With both WTDMTN and LL. I'll try to at least. 

I'm just really tired, so I know that this is short but I want to drag it out for you guys so there aren't like 3 parts and then have me be like, "Oh lol! Story is over!"

If you guys like this when it's over, tell me because I might keep going with the story then. 

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