Gohan x Hungover Female Reader

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"Hey, wake up, Y/N."

You feel a hand shaking your shoulder, and you groggily swat it away. Again, more insistent, followed by the urging.

"Alright, alright!" You shout, struggling to sit up and rubbing your eyes. You were laying on a floor somewhere, and it was cold...were you...naked?

Memories of the night before flood back to you. Gohan had hosted a party, and you had went, of course. Who would miss their friend's party? It was a good time, with good food and good friends. And lots of alcohol.

"Jeez, I never thought you'd wake up, Y/N. You partied really hard last night. You're the last one left here." Gohan chuckled and smiled warmly at you, but it felt like everything was swimming and you didn't want to talk. Your E/C eyes flitted around the room; observing crushed cans and cups, discarded bottles and plates of food. All you could do was groan in response. Your head was killing you.

"What...time is it?" You ask, squinting, looking down at your body. Not naked, but close to it--just in a lacy bra and F/C panties. No sign of your clothes.

"Around noon." He responds, shrugging.

"Noon?!" You attempt to stand up, but realize how bad of an idea that is when you fall flat on your ass from nausea.

"Settle down...I've got you." Gohan slides an arm under yours, and over your shoulders. He's strong, muscled, and fit. He crouched to pick you up, and steady you on your feet. "I think a hot shower would be best, and some crackers. Come on."

You're not in much position to protest, and he's already seeing you nearly naked, so what's the big deal? You let him help you down the hall and to his mother and father's master bathroom. The shower is large, and the lights bright; but he quickly dims these down. Handy. Inside the shower is a small protrusion from the wall, perfect for sitting. You almost stumble in, but Gohan stops you.

"Y/N, you've still got...undergarments on. I'm not trying to be weird, but those need to come off. I doubt you want them wet..." He grins faintly, and you nod, turning around so he can unclasp your bra and let it fall to the floor. You get your F/C panties off yourself, and he now begins to strip his own clothes. In the meantime, you stumble forward, hunching over and sitting on the aforementioned ledge in the shower. Waiting patiently.

Gohan angles the showerhead away from you, to make sure the water temperature is okay before turning it on you. Steam rises as water rolls and splatters on the tile floor, and he too joins you in the shower. Any other time, you'd be protesting up and down at being naked around him, or him being naked around you (best friends, after all!), but you needed this shower. His muscular frame glistens under the water as he playfully splashes you, before sitting behind you. Strong, calloused hands begin to work at your shoulders. Easing the hot water into your flesh.

"Gohan..." you murmur happily, sleepily. This was overly friendly, but you could let it slide. It was relaxing.

"Shh, Y/N. Relax. Do you need me to wash your hair?" But before you can respond, he's already lathering up your hair with an aromatic and flowery shampoo, his fingers massaging your scalp.

After he's done washing your hair, he steps out to give you some privacy, only coming back when you call that you want out. He turns off the water, wrapping you up in rich, fluffy towels. His lips meet your forehead, and he is sheepish for once.

"Y/N...you can lay in my bed. Come on."

"Of course, Gohan." You reply, nodding. He helps you to his room now, turning on the fan and letting you sip soda from a straw as he piles blankets around you.  Finally, he crawls next to you, but respectfully distances his body.

"Cuddle me, dork. Friends can cuddle. Especially best friends." You smirk at him, E/C eyes twinkling. In compliance, Gohan places an arm around you protectively.

"Thanks for coming to my party, Y/N."

"Don't mention it, Gohan."

"Sorry you're hungover-" you cut him off with a finger to the lips. He merely snorts, but smirks, and nods as he kisses your shoulder and you both drift off to sleep, cuddling in his bed.

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