Fixing Her

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Hey readers!

This is my very first story on wattpad and the very first time I am trying to write something without leaving it incomplete. So bear with me throughout all those crazy spellings, grammar, plot holes and basically everything else that I do to ruin this book.

Yes, sometimes the story does sound cliche (if not always), but I swear it gets better! Just hang on till the end, I swear you will be giddy by then because this book is one hell of a rollercoaster of emotions. It will make you laugh, cry...and I am out of adjectives. Again.

Alright then, before I mess this author's note even more than I already have, let's get into the story.


d e d i c a t i o n

This one's for all the hearts that ever broke, all the things that you never spoke, all the cracks that never could heal, all the scars that can never seal.

Fixing HerWhere stories live. Discover now