Detention and other stuff

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"Oh, you can't help that," Said the cat, "We are all mad here." - Mad Hatter


I woke up in the morning to a bad headache and when I mean bad, I mean bad. Like the one even aspirin couldn't fix.

I groaned as my phone buzzed next to me. No, if you thing it was the phone buzzing that woke me up, then you are wrong, for who on earth gets up to that when it seems like hundreds of oompa-loompas are dancing in your head! It was the stupid open curtain that brought in the excruciating sunlight inside my room that woke me up.

Turns out I had forgotten to close the curtains after I came in through the window last night. Yes, after yesterday's little mishap, I couldn't bring myself to go through the front door. I knew mother would have been sleeping, but I didn't want to take a risk and in case she was awake or woke up when I came in I didn't want to give her a heart attack looking the way I was last night.

I must have been a sight though. Mascara running down my cheeks, red, puffy eyes, broken heels, not to mention the hair.

My phone buzzed again. Sighing, I picked it up.

23 missed calls. 2 voicemails. One message.

Turns out Autumn had called me continuously after I had left the party. The two voicemails were hers too. Apprehension consuming me, I opened the first one.

1:00 a.m.

"Listen Wisteria, it's not at all what it looked like I swear. I know you saw me standing there not doing anything while you- and I know you saw Will standing over me. I know what you must have thought, but it was nothing like that. In fact, it was far from that. You need to give me a chance to explain. After three years of being the closest to you, I deserve this much. I love you and you know I would never have let that happen to you."

Listening to Autumn's quivering voice, I could tell she had been crying. But on the background, there was the muffled sound of You Belong With Me playing. She hadn't left. Losing hope in her, I clicked on the next voicemail.

2:13 a.m.

"Hey, it's me again. I just realized it's all my fault. All of it. And I understand if after all this you never want to speak to me again, but just hear me out once. After that I'll let you decide."

After that I just sat that for what felt like an eternity. Staring out the window. For that's all I could do. I didn't have the energy left in me to shed tears, didn't want to either. I also didn't want to give Autumn another chance. She had one, she lost it. So, I picked myself up from the bed and headed to the shower, hoping to erase yesterday from my memory.

I was late and I had no ride. Autumn had come to my house to pick me up, but before mother opened the door I told her to tell Autumn I had already left. Confused though she was, she did as I told her. After waiting for ten minutes after I heard her car driving away I carefully let myself out the front door. Thus, here I was still half jogging half running towards the red bricked building in the distance.

I reached just three minutes late. I barged into the school and sprinting, took to my first class, English. Saying Mrs. Raymond was surprised to see me open the door to her class with a loudest bang ever would be an understatement. I already wasn't in her good books and don't even ask me why because English literature was one of my strong subjects.

Mumbling a hopefully audible sorry, I turned to take the last bench at the very back of the class when Mrs. Ryamond stopped me.

"Miss Brooks, I am sorry but...detention for you." She said, not looking sorry in the least.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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