The White Outline-Chapter 4

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~Part IV~

As Seleigh walks back through the door, she sees her mother who is still pale. She rubs the mark on her wrist and sits down. Maxcee hands her a box. Seleigh thanks her and opens it. Seleigh gasps at what's inside. She pulls out a necklace, a necklace that's very dear to Maxcee. It was her mother's. The wood pendant is in the carving of an eye with leaves, wind, water, and fire all swirled together in it. "Maxcee, why-" She begins, but Maxcee cuts her off. "You know why." Seleigh knows what she's talking about. She just nods silently and clasps the necklace in her hands. "Happy Birthday hon." Seleigh's mother hugs her and kisses her head. "Be careful." Unfortunatley, Seleigh knows what about.


"So you think he likes me too?" Seleigh grips the right rope that connects her swing to the large maple in her backyard. "Oh course he does! Why wouldn't he?" Maxcee sits on the branch just above Seleigh's head. "Oh, I don't know. CAUSE I JUST MET HIM?" Seleigh says sarcastically. "Ha ha, very funny Seleigh." Maxcee swings her legs under the branch. Seleigh bites her lip and asks, "Hey, uhm, Maxcee? Can I tell you something?" She plants her feet in the ground and looks up at her friend. "Yeah, anything."

"I'm pregnant." Seleigh says with a smile on her face, obviously lying. "HA! Yeah, right Seleigh! You're a terrible liar. What is it really?" Maxcee throws her head back and laughs. "You know... them?" Seleigh says. "I know them. The tainted." Maxcee says. "Shut it! We're not supposed to say it out loud. But, yeah, them. I... am one..." Seleigh says quietly. Maxcee doesn't reply for a little bit, then just shrugs. "So? I am too." This is a surprise to Seleigh. Since when is her friend a tainted? "Why didn't I know?" She asks. "Eh. I was waiting for you to admit it first." Maxcee giggles. "Prove it." Maxcee sighs and touches a withering leaf. It seems to brighten up and become stronger, just like it was in spring. "Pretty cool, huh?" Maxcee asks, a smile plastered on her face. Seleigh rolls her eyes at her friend's expression, but nods her head. "Yeah, pretty cool, I guess." She looks down at her feet, which are having foot fights with each other. "How come I've never noticed the white, then?" Seleigh looks up. "The size varies from person the person. My line is really thin, but still noticeable." How much Seleigh has learned today.


Seleigh smiles, nodding. "Yes, Will. I will marry you." She's crying out of happiness.

Seleigh bolts upright in her bed, covered in sweat. She realizes it was just a dream, and sighs. Great, now she's having dreams about marrying him. Yeah, that's not happening. They were just friends. Right as she thought that, she realized how clićhe that sounded. Everyone says that. She takes a deep breath and lays back down, falling asleep almost instantly.

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