description + rules

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Hi, hello, heya. It's your favorite nerd here, Sammi. And I'm having a massive sale, bargain price, for all of my story ideas that I never got around to writing!

I feel bad that I'm no longer infatuated with band fanfiction, and I thought that since so many of my readers are wonderful writers, I'd give my ideas to you. It's kind of like a thank-you present for sticking with me through all these years. But before we dive right into the sale, there are some things that I want to clarify first. These are just IDEAS. Some of them are no more than a description, and for others I have written nearly ten chapters but never published. I'm thinking that I'll either post those chapters here, and whoever buys the idea can use them, or I'll just provide a little synopsis of what I've already written. But again, these are IDEAS, and I want to see what you guys come up with! I don't want you to feel obligated to stick to one story line because of something that I wrote; go crazy with it, write whatever you want, have fun with it!

While I do condone having all the fun while writing, there are some rules that we have to go over (ew, I know):

1) Please don't just rewrite something that I have published on this profile (i.e. IAK5SOS, Mute, Snapshot, etc.) or something that someone else has already written. That's called plagiarism, and this is supposed to be Creative Imaginative Fun Time.

2) In order to have the story idea, please comment on the chapter it's posted in, not all over the place. Don't ask me for it on my message board, my PM's, or anything like that. I'm a very organized person in a disorganized way, and I would like to have all of the requests in one place. Thank you!

3) As for payment, I'm not going to demand that you follow me or anything like that. I don't write that much anymore anyway, so that'd just be a waste of your time. However, I do want you to leave a dedication to me in the first part of your story, because I would love to read it! And this is purely optional, but maybe look at some of my completed stories on my profile? Pretty please?

4) How to ask is very important to me. Don't demand it, like, "GIVE ME THIS ONE," because that's a little rude. Ask politely, kiss up to me a bit (kidding), and it'll be all good.

5) I sell my stories based on how often someone updates, because I don't want them to just sit and collect dust (as I myself am guilty of doing). If you could let me know if you update weekly or whatever in your request, that'd be great. Also, leave your @ in the comment so I don't forget, haha.

I think that's all for now, but if I think of anything else, I'll put it here and send a message out to everyone or something. I really hope that you guys like what you see and are interested in continuing whatever ideas my deranged mind birthed up. I think that this could be a lot of fun!

Stay Beautiful, my lovelies,

- Sammi <3

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