Please Do Not Feed The Models

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Once upon a time I used to be happy. I was no one particularly special, merely an insignificant girl living in the quiet suburbs between the glamour of New York City and The Hamptons, but I was definitely happy. All I ever needed was my friends, my family, and my late night Froyo runs. How many other people can say that about themselves? That they are truly content living solely off the simple pleasures in life? I suppose that had always been me though, just that modest smiling girl simply posing for her next Instagram photo. And even though to some my life may have seemed bland, I was living.

 But it has been years since that time. I have been dragged through the dirt by the cruel rough hands of this Industry. However, It Is not solely their fault, they were just trying to mold me, fix me to fit Their Ideas, Their expectations. They always say make sure you please the boss. I guess they never expected the boss to be the shared opinions of seven billion people. Society. Society has been the demon. Society has been my destruction. Their judging eyes, heartless words, and unobtainable expectations are enough to torment even the strongest person. They were just waiting for my fall, I have never been a strong person, nevertheless, the joke is on them because I did it. I preformed the Impossible. I allowed them to transform me to meet every single one of their expectations. I became, in their eyes, perfect. Yet why was I still craving the life I use to have, envying that smiling girl I used to be. She was a nobody. She spent her weekends eating frozen yogurt and cheering when her Instagram selfie reached 10 likes. I am the Emma Dale, Supermodel. But without that ending, who am I really? Because all that I have left is the empty shell of the person I used to be. I am worse than I was before. I am not a nobody, now I am nothing. I am dead. 


HI! so new story! I'm really excited about this one and I'm aware the topic can be a bit controversial but please just stick with me on this. Also this will not be about a girl who is dead. It is going to be about how a simple girl is forced into the crazy life of modeling and what leads to her fall and of course there will be some love and drama thrown in. So let me know what you think. :)

~sabrina <3

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2014 ⏰

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