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*Isabella's pov*

I came back to my hotel room. To be honest I was bored and plus I was hungry. 

I took a shower and then dressed in clean clothes. I walked out of the room and casually walked down the crowded city. There were more people. Perhaps today play a movie. 

Quietly I weaved through the crowds of people and ignoring silly whistling men. Oh, I finally saw the target. The man went into the alley itself. My chances. I just thought of blood and fangs extended to me. I silently followed him to a dark alley. Suddenly, I caught him by the throat and slammed against the wall. I know he's the one who saved me.

,,Thanks for the last rescue, but today you're just having a bad day. Like you, I would sooner or later killed" I said with a shrug. 

,,Just don't kill me bitch" he whispered, and I wondered over reaching. 

,,So now I'm a bitch, but yesterday I was the salvaged" I said, and laughed. 

,,I thought you were different" he said, and I wondered. 

Resides it! Deliberately delaying me! Something's going on. I quickly turned around and saw Lucas. I rolled my eyes and tried to leave, but I bumped vervain. I fell to the ground unable to move and gasp. I'll kill him! I'll kill them both!


I sat on the ground in some basement. Wait, they locked me in the cellar? Oh my God! Suddenly the door opened. I still could not attack them. I thought it was Lucas, but no. By this the idiot who prepared a trap for me. 

,,Our brother is afraid of death?" I asked, quite weak and he smiled. 

,,No, he just doesn't want to see such a treacherous bitch" he said, shrugging. 

,,But .. And you do?" I said again still weak. 

,,Total yeah ... I want you to tell me your whole life" he said, as if it was granted. 

,,Pff and you think they'll say? What's it to you?" Said I had a normal voice. Than he could blink I tore his throat ... but my hands are tied.

,,Are you gonna tell ...because I have help" he said, and smiled. 

,,Help? Seriously?" I said with undisguised sarcasm in his voice. 

,,Yep. Kat?" He yelled and I smiled. I know Kat. Kat Lensov. Bitch, I once almost killed her ... unfortunately she had help. 

,,Yet, but it seems that again we meet Kat. Do not worry ... just kill you" I said calmly, and her little head peeked out the door. 

,,I don't know if it's a good idea, Michael" she said and I laughed.,,She gets out of the cuffs and believe me.'m Not here waiting to die.'m Sorry," she said, as she appeared and immediately disappeared. 

,,Okay, plan B" he said, and immediately closed the door. 

,,Plan B?" I said to him with a raised eyebrow.

,,Are not tough girl, you're just an ordinary bitch" I whispered close to my face. 

,,But No shit seriously?" I hissed into his face and he smiled. 

,,Jop. You can not resist. And any guy you just get into bed" he told me and I smiled. 

,,Get me just anybody?" I whispered, waiting for what the idiot says. 

,,I could do it" he said, and I started to laugh. 

,,I believe you too" I said, and I continued to smile. 

I slowly started to take off the handcuffs. They're not very smart. Suddenly I bring them down but continued to play.

,,So if I kiss you now, what would you do? Even the fact that your hands behind your back" he said, and I held back a laugh. 

,,When I got out of the cuffs so I killed you" I said and started to. 

He leaned over to me and-I caught him by the throat and obrazila him against the wall. With the taste I had to bite his neck. I waited in his blood vervain, but nothing. I drank. 

,,No!" I heard a voice next to each other that little blondes. With bloody mouth, I looked at her and then ran at lightning speed. 

For this I pay for. I ran my eye on the city and one woman. With the taste I bit into her neck, ignoring anything else. After a while she fell to the ground like a plum. This city will suffer and with it, the guy....

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