Story 2: Dancing Shadows

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If you wish to read Story 1, please head to my profile page and read Mirror Mirror. Thank you.

The night when the barrier that separated all that was magical, seeped in history that man knew nothing about, and creatures of myths, and the human race, it was cool and calm. The town where the pulse came from was sleeping. The wind barely teased the teased the trees and their leaves more than anything.

It was such a surprise to all those who had felt that power that they passed out, the rest of the human race falling asleep as the lost knowledge started to weave itself into their very beings.

All over the world the people found themselves becoming sleepy, pulling over and stopping, not caring that they were blocking traffic or just laying on the ground, twitching as if they were asleep and dreaming. They all fell under the forced trance as the two sides of the same world became one again.

All but for one small boy as he sat up in his low sitting bed, staring hard at a wall that was covered in the shadows that twisted around the light that was his night light that was tucked behind his dresser. For him, it wasn't any different than any other night, but still something felt so off to that small boy as he sat in his bed,surrounded by his moon and stars covered pillows and blanket. Snow fell outside of his house and the cold seeped into the old cracks that his family hadn't been able to fix yet.

The shadow felt almost...alive. He frowned.

The shadow looked as if it was dancing, his eyes darting to the heavily covered window before looking to the shadow that moved when it shouldn't have.

It didn't feel right. It felt like there was an itch beneath his skin that made him want to scratch and scratch and scratch at his skin, trying to stop it.

Jerking his hand away from his arm when he realized what he was doing, Alex looked down and felt the blood rush to his face in a blush as he rubbed at the red welts that he had managed to raise with his scratching. "No blood this time," he whispered to himself. Licking his lips, his eyes turned back to the wall and tilted his head at the feeling of being watched by the shadows themselves.

His eyes ran down the wall and over his dresser to his closet as the feeling moved.

The doors to his closet didn't move from their cracked state, but his cat shot out of it and he knew that whatever there was had taken refuge in his closet. Mr. Bonbon ran out of the room, fur fluffed and hissing the entire way down the stairs.

Darting a quick glance to his open bedroom door, Alex decided that he should probably follow his cat's example, digging around in his pillows,his eyes glued to the closet door. He found the little pen light that his grandfather had given him when he had been five and could see things that most of his family called a figment of his imagination,he turned it on. It didn't really cast much light in the semi-darkness but he really didn't need much light as he used it to look around the edge of his bed.

Nothing felt off about the floor so he took the chance to slide out from under his warm blankets, shivering in the cool air of his bedroom. He grabbed his robe from the chair that sat on the other side of his night stand and shook it out, just in case his cat hid another toy in it. Pulling on the fluffy, warm thing, he glanced at the closest, feeling that whatever was in there hadn't left it.


Walking to his bedroom door, penlight held firmly in hand, Alex pulled the door closed behind him, hoping that it would encourage whatever was making him itch stay in there. Preferably away from him. Turning away from his door, he walked down the hall to his parent's bedroom,passing by the bathroom and the guest bedroom slash his mother's sewing room. Knocking on the closed door, the ten year old frowned when they didn't answer his knock.

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