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Paneer - 200 grams
Chopped Onions
Finely chopped Garlic
Green chili - 1 no. chopped
Chopped Coriander leaves
Salt to taste
Chili powder - 1 Tsp.
Pepper powder - 1/4 Tsp.
Cumin powder - 1/2 Tsp.
All-purpose flour/Maida - 1 Tsp.

To make batter
All-purpose flour/Maida - 2 Tbsp.
Corn flour - 2 Tsp.
Salt to taste
Chili powder - 1/2 Tsp.

1. Grate the paneer block in two different sizes, finely grated as well as widely grated.
2. Mix both together gently in a huge mixing bowl.
3. Add onions, garlic, green chilli and coriander leaves, all finely chopped, to the bowl.
4. Season it with salt, chilli powder, pepper and cumin powder.
5. Mix all the ingredients together gently. Taste once to make sure the seasoning is proper.
6. To this, add a tsp. of maida (all-purpose flour) or corn flour. Mix well using your hands.
7. Now, take a bit of this mixture and shape it into a small ball using your palms.
8. Make similar even sized balls out of the remaining mixture.
9. Now, to make the batter, take 2 tbsp.'s of maida and 2 tsp.'s of corn flour in a bowl. Season it with some salt and chilli powder. Mix the ingredients together.
10. Add some water to this mixture and mix well until you get a thick batter.
11. Dip the balls in this batter and roll them in the bread crumbs. Keep them aside.
12. Refrigerate the balls for about10 minutes.
13. Meanwhile, heat some oil in a wide pan.
14. Once the oil is hot, roll the balls once in your palms and gently drop them into the oil.
15. Deep fry the balls on a low flame until they turn a beautiful golden brown in colour and then carefully remove them from the pan and drain the excess oil.   

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