Chapter 3 - The death

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Spain flicked his tail as they walk . Spain sented a smell coming from a barn . ' ' Offf! ' ' Canda bumbed on spain ' ' Are we almost there? ' ' Canada growled . '' Yeah. Just a few steps.. ' ' Spain replied . They had reached a barn entrance . Canada , russia , scotland , poland and spain hopped out of the bushes . ' ' Well where here...' 'Spain said . ' ' Well finally.. We have walked soooo long! ' ' Russia muttered padding inside the barn . ' 'Dont go there! ' 'Spain hissed . Spain pinned russia bitting half of russia's ear . ' ' Whats up!' ' Russia Yowled kicking spain out with his hind legs . ' 'Dont even get a paw in there... ' ' Spain snarled . ' ' Well where do we sleep! ' ' scotland spatted . ' ' The near twolegs nest here. ' 'Spain pointed with his tail. A large pure black tom and a minty pelted she cat appeared . ' 'New cat eh.? ' 'The pure black tom said . ' ' They might be traitors.. ' ' the minty pelted she cat growled . ' ' Well im africa and my she cat freind here is korea. ' ' Africa. The pure black tom gazed at russia . ' ' Whats up with your ear.. ' ' Africa asked . ' ' Ugh... your freind SPAIN bit me.! ' ' Russia growled . ' ' Well you should be with me inside the healing den.. ' ' Korea asked . The two cats Korea and russia padded in the healing den . ' ' Well.. Russia would be fine with korea. ' ' Germany tilted his head . ' ' Its night now. Lets go to the twolegs nest right there ' ' Africa ordered . They soon slept at an early night . Spain was still awake he planned to murder poland . He'd reached poland side of the nest and sunk hus claws into polands neck . He'd drag poland out side . ' ' They wont notice this. ' ' Spain padded back to the nest . The next morning the breeze outside woke canada . canada would step out side . ' ' Wait... is that poland?' ' Canada leaped to poland .' ' Wait... is poland dead? ' ' Canada has a single tear drop from his eyes . Korea woke up too . ' ' Dead!? ' ' Korea stood up racing to canada . ' ' I-i dont know what happened... w-we where a-asleep! ' ' Canada froze . ' ' Well the only thing here left is a black piece of fur ' ' Korea repleid . ' ' Well the only two cats here that has black on them is Spain and africa, ' ' Canada growled wanting revenge . ' ' I would kill the ones that hurted her.. ' ' Canada unleashes his claws .

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