Chapter 1

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Crystal's pov
"Where am I?"
I'm in a dark room with no windows and boy sitting next to me.
"Who are you?"
I try to get up , but then I realize I'm tied down.  I panicked trying the get free.
The boy seems confused.
"We met yesterday remember the day that you tried to kill yourself said the boy."

"Why would I kill myself? I love my life. Who are you and why am I tied up."

"Well, when you were untied you tried to attack everyone."

"What? Why can't I remember anything.
He reached for my arm saying it's ok and to calm down."

"What the heck! Get off me your weirdo. Who are you?"

"Your really don't remember anything?"

"No, I remember yesterday was normal. I went to school and then to work. Wait, what day is today?"

"It's the 8th of April. Why?"

"No. Yesterday was the 6th. I don't remember a whole day!"

"The boy looks confused at me."

"Who are you? Why don't you answer me?"

"My name is Hunter. I'm a senior at your
high school."

"Why are you here? Where are my parents?"

"When your parents brought you here they were so shocked on how you were acting. So they brought you here and left. They haven't come the visit yet. And I saved your life."

"What? My parents just left me here?...... what do you mean you saved my life."

"You were acting crazy yesterday, sending threats and attacking anyone who was in your way. Finally when the police arrived you hid in the school. Everyone else didn't care to look, but I saw you and you didn't look well. So I followed you up on the roof. When I got there you were on the edge. I tried the talk you out of it but you jumped. And I ran and caught you. The police told your parents to put you in a asylum. Saying that you were too dangerous to society. I followed along to make sure you were ok. You were really upset when you got here and started throwing punches. So the doctors here gave you something to make you sleep. And you when you woke up..... you know the rest."

"Thats insane, I would never, call the doctor."

I wait for the doctor to come. I'm still chained to this stupid bed. I look around and my room looks like a prison. Why would my parents leave me here me here?  Soon after the doctor comes and Hunter.

"Hello Crystal how are you feeling today?"

"Im not mentally ill doctor. I don't remember anything that happened yesterday."

Hunter and the doctor move away from me but I can still hear them.

"There are many patients like this who fake memory lost said the doctor."

"But I don't think she's faking."

"Yes, but remember that she is ill. Even if she wasn't lying how could someone just forget a day."
After the doctor leaves, I lay on the bed and Hunter still siting on the chair.

They don't believe me. They think I'm ill. What am I going to do? I haven't even finished high school yet. I'm only 16 and my life is over.
My eyes starts to swell up and eventually tears drip down my face. I try to wiped my tears but my hands are still chained. Hunter slowly removes the chains and I curl up in a ball.

"I believe you" Hunter softly says. He climbs on the bed with me and wraps his arms around me. I don't believe this. This can't be real. This is all just a bad dream and I'm going to wake up soon. I close my eyes and  hope for everything to be normal.

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