Chapter Seven: Hayley

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So it's been around 2 or 3 weeks since 'the incident which must not be mentioned'. Oh God, I found it so embarrassing when Mum told me and Luke what had happened. The worst thing was, Matt was still teasing me about it! Every time Luke came round, Matt sniggered, which eventually turned into fits of laughter. I mean, it wasn't even that funny.

And poor Luke went all red whenever it was brought up. I felt so sorry for him. But then again neither of us knew that we would act so childish when we were drunk.

We were at lunch when Chloe passed by our table and waved at me. She caught a glimpse of Calum and blushed. Everyone could tell Chloe had a thing for Calum except for Calum. I smiled at Chloe as I watched her walk away. I looked back at Calum and a mischievous smile formed on my face. 

"I know what you're thinking. It's never going to happen, Hayles." Luke whispered into my ear.

The rest of the boys were carrying on as normal. I guessed that they didn't see me and Luke talking.

"It will work, trust me!" I whispered back.

I was determined to bring the two of them together. Calum liked Chloe. He just didn't know it yet. Luke just shrugged at me and carried on eating.


"You know he's got the hots for Melissa, don't you?" Ashton walked alongside me as we made our way to Music.

Melissa was Chloe's older sister. You'd never guess it though. Melissa was blonde, tall and everyone liked her. She was the Queen B. B for Bitch, I think. The first and last time I ever came into contact with her was when she told me to keep away from Ash. Apparently he was hers. Something that Ashton was not aware of, obviously.

Chloe had dark brown hair. She was sweet, pretty but no one took notice of her. Melissa made sure of that. Chloe did her own thing and Melissa did hers. Melissa was not to be bothered by Chloe at school or at home. I saw that first hand when I went to Chloe's for a sleepover one night.

It's not fair how Chloe gets treated. She didn't deserve it. She was so down to earth, I couldn't imagine what she could have done to make Melissa do that.

"Yeah I know, but Chloe is so much better for him than Queen Bitch." I replied to Ash.

Ashton chuckled. He knew about the rumours about him and Melissa. He didn't like her either but had no idea how to get rid of the rumours.

"Good luck, Hayles. You're gonna need it!" He said, as he hugged me and made his way to his drums.

Music was fun. I got to forget about everything that was happening and focus on my drumming. I was good at other instruments but the drums was the only instrument that brought me peace.

Ash knew how I felt. Because he felt the same. I wouldn't be surprised if he was my long lost brother. Me and Ash had a lot in common. The only thing I found weird was his love for My Little Pony.


Luke waited for me to finish and we both walked home together. Since we went the same way, we decided it would be better. We played a game as we walked.

"Favourite film?" I asked.

Luke looked at me and chuckled, "Mean Girls, of course!"

I was honestly shocked. I thought he'd say something like X Men.

"Favourite colour?" He asked.

"Blue." I said simply.

"I had you down as a pinky girl!" Luke giggled.

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