Is it the right thing to do...

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I ask my self This question I know Im stupid for throwing back fuckin memories again Because I have 5 boxes of papers I wrote Poetry,My feelings and Etc... So Meanwhile this morning Yes I hid it under my bed so I took out the Black one That has all my sad memories my Broken blade that is cut into half so Remember That I made a poetry right and all It was about was Questions why I was Consumed by darkness so The particular answer of that was At that Black box And shees I cried reading it then go into this book read all the chapters and... that what hitted me Is it the right thing to do I was reading a story Yesterday and the girl was Like me Broken family,Betrade,Suicidal,Depressed that girl Was me im not gonna tell you the story tho because you know... So yeah All those things Hitted me in my Face and all I can say is Is this The right thing to do and I was so eager to buy a new blade but It was out of stook so that was messed up so yeah no cuts on my hand yet hehehe... I dont want to use a knife because if I will do that I would Stab my self directly to my Brain/Heart so that is not for now... I dont have Ropes ok... so yeah


Im waiting for Death to kill me... :(   

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