The waking up

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i woke up and the clock read 4:30 a.m. I sighed. I never get enough sleep. I never remember what wakes me up either but none the less i got up out of bed to go take a shower.Today is the first day of my sophmore year.I cant wait to see the hot guys even though i dont usually pay attention to that kind of thing. The last relationship i had ended badly .I turned on the shower to cold.I was soo fucking hot like sweating and it was freezing in my room.I got in the shower and instantly felt relieved.The freezing wwater felt soo good on my skin.Too bad i had too hurry up so that way i could get to the food before my pig brother.James was usually eating the house before everyone got up.Well he tried too anyway i always caught him.I stepped out of the shower. I went back to my room afteri put a towel on and looked out the window.

"good morning clouds.Goodnight stars" I said.

then i heard something on the other side of the house.When i turned my head to look though nothing was there.

"hmm.Stalker"then i sighed.

this has been happening for a while and i have no idea what it is.I picked out my clothes. A black and purple striped t-shirt, black skinny jeans, and my blue vans shoes. Then i picked up my ipod put in the ear buds and turned on We are broken By Paramore.It's true because the human race is permanently broken. There are those who will try to fix themselves and that will make them better a little but we will never be truly fixed. I changed the song to You and I by Anarbor.I loved that song .It makes me think of how someone has a match and an opposite. Go for the opposite.I started to dance around my room and singing along.Then i heard a knock on my bedroom door. I turned down my music.

"Who is it" i yelled they all hated it when i did that.

"guess dumbass" james said.

"don't call me dumbass jackass"i said. I wonder if he's on his period.

"get up"he said. apparently he didnt get that i am already up.

"i am up stupid now go away before i shoot you "i told him then i laughed as i heard him mumble and walk away.

I loved messing with my brother. He is 18. Two years older than me and he thinks he can run me when he doesnt even have a place of his own or a girlfriend.i would like to see him try to mess with me.Really i would. I looked at the clock and it was 6:15a.m. I had to leave in like fifteen minutes or i would be late for my first day of school. I turned my music back up as The curse of curves by Cute is what we aim for came on this is one of my favorite songs.I grabbed my book bag and left my room. When i went downstairs i found James at the table eating breakfast.

"why don't you get a job?"i asked him.

"why don't you get a life and stop all the black shit the clothes the cuts?" he shot back at me. Man what crawled up his ass and died.

"cuz it's who i am you don't like it move into your own place away from me, oh wait you can't cuz you ain't got shit to your name" I answered quietly.he was pissin me off.

"You know what tanya? GO TO HELL ASSHOLE" he yelled then left the room.

What a wonderful way to start my day. Oh well he can kiss my ass before i go to hell oh wait take that back i am already there.I laughed to myself quietly he never saw things any other way than his. He never wanted to.I went to the fridge and grabbed a coke and and ice cream bar out of the freezer .Nice breakfast right? I saw a piece of paper fall off the fridge. I picked it up and before i even read it i threw it away. All it would say is "sorry sweetie buisness meeting there is some money and my credit card but don't use the card unless i call you". He is the world's worst dad. I grabbed the $100 off the fridge.He always leave big amounts because he feel guilty. I put $50 in my pocket and went upstairs to put half of it with the rest of the money i have saved from his business trips. I think im up to almost $900.

I grabbed my keys opened my ice cream bar because it started to melt and ran to my black Mercedes.My dad got it for me on my 16th birthday.Only another guilty gift but hey i take what i can get.I had one stop to make before i went to school. My best friends house even though she might make me late. Oh well. I got on the road and started speeding.There were no cops around. I got to her house in less than 5 minutes. Speddy gonzalez is here. I honked the horn twice and she cam running out with a big smile on her face.

" Happy to see me?" i asked as she got in the car.

"Nope.Happy to see the car"Amethyst said.

"damn"i smiled.

We drove to school and i thought about how we met. It was back in like 2nd grade. Some little boys were picking on her because of her name and her family. They were all addicted to drugs. That's why my house was home for her. I had slapped one of the little boys and said "how would you like getting picked on stupid" then he started to cry and the other boys left. Sure i got in trouble but hey i made a friend.

"Zone much?" Amethyst said.

"No now stop picking on me" I hadn't realized we reached the school almost.I pulled up to the curb and got out. I stopped as soon as i saw him. He was so beautiful a vision in black to me but not like gothic. Like me. The longer i looked at him the more i started to feel like i was falling.He looked up and his eyes met mine. I felt like someone was invading me. It's like he was right by me but he wasn't even moving his lips.

"stare much?"i heard the voice in my head. I don't know how.I decided to try somthing. I answered back.

"no and your staring back" His face took on a shocked look and then i fell into the dark that was waiting for me.

Waiting to take my soul and i never knew what was coming.

I only knew what i lived.

That was the moment i truly died.

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