The soul seer

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"what happened" i remember i heard his voice when i was wherever so he may have answers.

"I'm not entirely sure i think you're not a witch but something more and..."


When she fainted i had no idea what happened.I wasn't doing anything to her. She was just looking at me. She was beautiful. I have never seen anyone like her i mean yeah there are girls all around he world who have the type of style like that but no one i've ever seen has rocked it like her. When she got out of her car i was trying so hard not to look at her but she outright stared at me. It was like i was a magnet like 4 girls already ased me if i had a girlfriend. If i wanted one i was going to ask her. I didn't even know her name though. When i felt her eyes burning wholes into me i finally looked at her. Straight into her eyes. I never look into people's eyes. If i do i can see their life's story play in them the rich kids always had everything but it's never enough they never stop to think abaout the kids on the street.The other emo/goths like me we have nothing to live for only here cuz we have to be but evn then we can't stand it and we kill ourselves.The gay people. They are so scared inside. I hate to look into their eyes because i see all the pain and i feel it and it's nt right everyone has choice right and they choose the same sex is that soo wrong .No i'm not gay but damn really? I was looking into her eyes though and even from a distance i couldn't see anything. There was nothing there.

Then i saw here faint and what she was about to see right before she fainted. Then i wished i could freeze anything to keep her from falliing and everything stopped. Yea i'll admit i never wanted to do something so bad but ...

I stopped time.

I ran over to her and caught her right before she fell to the ground and she fell in my arms instead.I gasped and looked at her.She was the irl who's been in allmy dreams. All that i've been thinking about . She was just a girl though? Why am i seeing her? What makes her so special? I guess i'll just have to find out but for the sake of her life and mine i can't fall for her. I was wearing black i felt hot but i wasn't sweating. I touched my forehead and it felt very cool.I picked her up and looked for the keys to her car. She can't be seen to day. When found them i put her in the back seat. I made sure i was gentle though. Why did i care so much? I never care about anything and i see her on the first day and my life starts to fall apart. I don't even know her.i can do new things. I feel something inside pulling me towards her but i have no idea what it is and i don't want to be connected to anyone. I got in the car and started to drive to my place. When we were half way there all i heard from her so far were a couple of moans. Then she starts to screamand i accelerate and make sure we get to my house faster i need to know what's happening. Then as soon as we got to my place ,which was not that long of a drive but it seemed like it, she started to give off colors.

I had to get her inside and fast.

I picked her up but when i did the colors she was giving off both cooled me (good) and burned me (obv. bad). It hurts so much to be close to something you want so bad but to never touch it. Wheni finally got her into my house she was glowing balck and white. I don't know what was going on but I knew one thing for sure she wasn't human and if i was right she was almost like me only ...

She was Queen and they've had her running her whole life.Just so they could be running the world.

So it's all been a lie for her. I really don't want to be the one to tell her. I'm not going to be the one to tell her. She was screaming louder now.

"Come on open your eyes Tanya"

she looked like she was trying to but i had to keep pushing her.

"Come one tanya you have to open your eyes"She screamed.Thenshe opened her eyes and then i felt a pull from me to her like a string connecting us toether was being tied together i wish it wasn't. We were both living a lie. There was no way could stop it though. I looked into her eyes soo happy she was okay.

"what happened?" she asked me. i didnt know if i should tell her what she is or not it's like a fight of right or wrong except i don't know which one is which.

"i think your a witch and..."i hesitated if i hld too long shell ask more.

"...and you need to learn how to control your powers so im going to teach you." what did i just do!!


"woah hold on .."i had to pause my head was pounding and i was a what now??

"I think your a witch but you may be something else like vampire werewolf soulseer like me psychic telekinetic there are all kinds of possibilities that im not gonna go into detail about right now. Point is that there is a whole world out there were people who aren't human the stuff of dreams and fairytales they co-exist . They live together .They are real."

I could feel the dark tugging at me now. I grabbed his hand and didn't want to let go it held everything i wanted to know was there in a guy. someone who was going to be there for me and help me.This was him. Now if only he realized it.

Right before i slipped away i could have sworn i felt him kiss me on the lips soft as a feather but what every girl dreams about.

"Sleep now my love and i will always be there but we can't be just know this. I already love you and i will always never doubt that.please."

I whispered back with every ounce of strength i had left that i was fight ing with to tell him

"And i already love you"

then i slipped away into the dark knowing i had a love out there for me waiting in the shadows.

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