Dean x Reader - Jerk

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Characters: Y/N(reader), Dean, Sam

Pairing: Dean x Reader

Request/Summary: "Hi there! Can you pretty please write some Dean angst that leads to smut? Where Dean and the reader gets into an argument about something and Dean's like super mean as heck? Thanks!" - Anonymous (from Tumblr)

Word Count: 3307 (not even sorry lol)

Warnings: all the smut, oral(female receiving), fingering, spanking, angst, explicit language, kind of jealous!reader

A/N: Some smutty!Dean for y'all! Dean's kind of an ass in this one, so... sorry?

y/f/t/s - your favorite TV show



"What the fuck, Dean!" - you were fuming, your face was red with anger and your jaw was clenched shut, your eyes practically burning a hole into his thick skull.

"God damn it, woman, stop screamin already!" - he yelled back, turning around to face you.

"You took my kill, you fucking asshole! I have all the rights to scream at you!"

You and the Winchesters were currently in South Dakota, hunting a werewolf. Well, the hunt was over now, the werewolf was dead. Dean killed it, but you were supposed to do that. The werewolf was running your way and you were ready to shoot the fucker, when Dean pushed you out of the way, taking the shot instead of you.

"I just saved your ass, you should be thanking me!" - he staded, his eyes narrowed down on you, full of rage.

"You saved my ass? I had everything under control!" - you spat back, crossing your arms over your chest. - "Oh, yeah? Well, it sure didn't look like you had everything 'under control' to me, princess." - he said in a patronizing tone, crossing his arms as well. - "In fact, it kind of looked like you were about to get yourself killed."

"Excuse me?!" - you took a step closer to him, getting in his face.

"Oh, you heard me." - he said, cocking his head to the side

"Fuck you, Winchester."

God, how much you wanted to punch the smug smile off his face. But instead you took a deep breath, turned around and walked back to the Impala, without saying another word to him.

The car ride back to the motel was awkward, to say the least. The tension was evident. No one of you spoke. You hated that Sam had to endure all of this, none of this was actually his fault. He's not to blame for his asshole of a brother's idiotic behaviour.

Dean drove, definitely going over the speed limit. His knuckles had turned white from gripping the steering wheel and his eyes were focused on the road.

Sam leaned his head against the car's window, closing his eyes. He was tired. That werewolf had worn him out, especially when he threw him against a wall, knocking him out.

Minutes later, his soft snores were the only sound in the car. You looked at Dean, he looked like he wanted to say something. Probably yell at me some more - you thought.

As soon as the car was parked in the motel's parking lot, you wasted no time in getting out, slamming the door behind you, startling poor Sam and making your way towards your room.

"Hey! What the hell is your problem?" - Dean yelled after you, just as you were about to open the door.

"My problem? You are my problem, Dean!" - you spat back, turning towards him. His face showed different emotions; anger, irritation and... concern? - "You couldn't just let me have it, could you? You couldn't just let me kill that werewolf?" - he rolled his eyes at your words, but you ignored it and continued - "Why'd you do it, Dean?" - you asked, giving him your best stern look and when he didn't give you an answer you spoke up again - "You are such an asshole!" - that made Dean even angrier, he was seeing red and didn't even think, before the words left his mouth - "You wanna know why I did it? Well, did it ever cross your mind that you are not as good of hunter as you think you are." - he started, taking a step towards you - "What?" - your voice wasn't as loud this time as you stared at him in disbelief - "You are not cut out to be a hunter, Y/N! You are not a hunter!" - his words cut you deep like a knife. You were taken aback. You knew you weren't raised into hunting, and you probably weren't as good as him or Sam, but it still hurt to hear those words come out of his mouth.

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