Sam x Reader - The First Time

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Characters: Y/N(reader), Sam

Pairing: Sam x Reader

Request/Summary: Hi! I was hoping to make a request? Smut with Sam but the reader is a virgin and he makes her first time special as he is more experienced? Xx - Anonymous(tumblr)

Warnings: smut, fingering, oral(female receiving), loss of virginity(?), explicit language

Word Count: 2070

A/N: This is not meant to give anyone any false expectations about sex(especially first times). Sexual intercorse isn't always the best and sometimes it isn't as good as it is described in fanfiction, so... yeah... Enjoy?


You were not ashamed to be a virgin at your age. You didn't exactly choose to be a virgin. You weren't abstaining from sex because of your religion or something like that. It was just that the right moment never came to you. The right person never came.

People were always shocked when they learned that you were a virgin, mainly because 'you don't give out a "virgin" vibe'. It was sort of true; you didn't look like what most movies portrayed virgins as. You were one of the most badass hunters, after all.

When you confessed to Sam about your situation, he took it really well, better than the people you had shared that little detail about yourself to, actually. He was supportive and never pushed you, he waited for you, reassuring you that he had no problem in waiting untill you felt ready and you absolutely loved him for being so patient with you. None of your former 'boyfriends' seemed to understand you quite like Sam did and that's the main reason why your previous relationships hadn't worked out.

You had been dating the younger Winchester for a few months now and you finally felt ready. Well, as ready as someone might be, before loosing their virginity.

"Are you sure?" - Sam asked, unable to hide the small smile already forming on his lips.

"Positive." - you looked down at your lap, fidgeting with your hands as you felt your cheeks heat up.

"Are you really sure?" - he repeated, furrowing his brows at you. Maybe this was a mistake.

"J-Just... forget it." - you began standing up, but before you could fully do so, Sam wrapped his hand loosely around your wrist, stopping you.

"Hey, I'm sorry, okay." - he stopped for a second - "I just wanted to make sure you're ready, is all." - he explained, letting go of your wrist and standing up from the couch.

You searched his eyes for a moment before speaking - "I'm ready, Sam. I'm sure." - before those words even left your mouth, Sam was pulling you with him towards your shared bedroom.

As you reached the doorway, he pulled you into him, gently placing his hands on the sides of your face and bringing his lips down on yours. He pulled away and rested his forehead against yours, you both closed your eyes, your breaths shaking slightly. You stared into his deep hazel eyes before standing up on your tiptoes and kissing his warm lips again. Your hands worked their way around his body, feeling each crevasse, each line along his perfect physique, underneath his shirt.

"Y/N." - he whispered slowly. Never has your name sounded better before. His lips curl upwards in a sheepish smile as his hands travel down to your hips and he scoops you up, throwing your much smaller frame over his shoulder.

"Sam!" - you squealed in delight as he carried you over to the bed like you weighted nothing and carefully laid you down on it.

You looked up at him as he began unbuttoning his shirt. The next few seconds passed by agonizingly slow as he discarded his shirt somewhere in the room. Next came his jeans; he unbuttoned them and slid them down his legs, kicking them to the side, leaving him only in his boxers.  The slight bulge now more evident and growing.

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