Chapter 1

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I'm not over the fact that I can't believe I let my sister, Gianna convince me to come to this party. Her friend, Sonia is the one throwing it and she happens to be my senior and Brian's twin sister.

I can't stand the loud music and the screams from the drunk teenagers. I've been here like for like two hours and I'm weirded out by the second.

"Gianna," I say after I meet her by the pool, "take me home."

She rolls her eyes, "come on, you're supposed to be having fun Nolan."

It was my turn to roll my eyes, "you call this fun? Teenagers getting drunk over their heads and doing crazy stuff they're going to probably regret when they are sober in the morning, you call that fun? I'm sorry, not interested."

"She ignores my rant and asks a question of her own, "you've seen Brian? He was supposed to join us but I can't seem to find him anywhere I look."

"Looking for me, Gianna? Hi Nolan," Brian appears behind Gianna dressed simply in jeans and a leather jacket over a T-shirt. He smiles at me and I return the gesture trying my best not to meet his gaze. I have a difficult problem when it comes to his eyes, I seem to always get lost in them.

"Oh hi Brian. Sonia," Gianna yells and quickly walks away.

Great, big sis.

"You enjoying the party?" Brian asks.

I shrug not trusting myself to speak. The thing is I like Brian, a whole lot and Gianna tells me to go for it but I don't really know about him and above all, he has a girlfriend. He's the only male friend I have and there was no way I'm following Gianna's advice and ruin that friendship with Brian.

"Nolan, you..."

"Hey Brian," and it's the leader of the school's cheer leading squad, Gabriella Moore, and Brian's girlfriend. I don't like her.

"Hey Nolan," she says and I nod in response.

"Hi babe," he turns to kiss her and it's only natural for me to look away.

"Come on, let's go dance," she urges.

Brian shakes his head, "I don't think...

"Oh come on Brian," she says and tug on his sleeve. He gives in and after giving me a half smile, follows his girlfriend.

Great! I'm getting out of here. I whirl around only to bump against something very hard, and I end up almost on my ass but someone grabs my shoulders.


Once I'm steaded, I pull back and away from the tight grip he has on my shoulders.

"Have a problem with being touched?" he sounds slightly annoyed or pissed, I don't know which.

I look up into his brown eyes and I feel like running away.
He's a head taller than me with dark rugged hair and looks every bit the bad boy. I recognize him from Brian's gang, I mean, he's a player on the basketball team and Brian is their captain.

"No I, uh, I don't," I stammer through my statement. Yeah, he's intimidating much.

"Anyway, I'm Gilbert. You are?" he adds when I'm silent.

"I'm Nolan," now get lost so I can get out of here.

"Come on, let's have a drink," he says and grabs my elbow, pulling me towards counter. He walks to the refrigerator and pulls out two bottles.

I accept the one he hands me. There's no way I'm drinking this or getting drunk.

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