You Find He Is Cheating On You (Luke Imagine)

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So Keirsten asked for this imagine a long time ago but between last night and this morning I have felt extremely sad and was inspired to finally write this. Sorry it took so long and I hope you like it! This is your Pov and Part 1 of 2.

My boyfriend Luke and I have been dating for almost two years now. Everything had been perfect up until a few months ago. I am so in love with Luke but it feels as if he had lost the feeling towards me. Recently he had been in the studio almost all day and then would go out with the boys all night and only come home to shower and change his clothes so he could repeat the process. There were days when Luke would stay home but when he was home he wanted nothing to do with me. After a month of this going on and me just sitting around waiting for things to change I decided to go out and pamper myself one day. Luke had the Brits coming up next week and I assumed that he still wanted me to come even though he had asked me before his new "routine" began. I woke up early one Saturday morning and of course he was already gone but I tried to ignore the ache in my heart and headed to the mall. My first stop was the salon, I wanted a whole new look. I died my hair a burgundy red color and cut it to a little below shoulder length. I loved it. Next I had my makeup done I know it was ridiculous to have my makeup done but I was going to surprise Luke and the boys with some lunch at the studio after this. Next I had my nails done and kept it to a simple pink French manicure. For once in a long time I truly felt beautiful. Next I went and picked up a new outfit. Since it was summer I brought a dark red maxi skirt to bring out the color of my hair and a black crop top. I finally felt happy and confident, I figured I would save the dress shopping for next weekend and maybe bring Luke with me and decided to pick up some Panda Express for the boys because apparently Mikey had been craving it. I stood in line in the food court of the mall and waited for my turn, the line was so long it reached to the stores right by which happened to be the dress shop. I window shopped and was able to see in and look at most of the dresses. I was excited to bring Luke back with me next weekend!Until I saw it, I saw my world crash before me and the tears started the second my eyes landed on him. there he was standing in the back by the dressing room with a girl. A tall brunette that was of course gorgeous. I could never compete with her. I watched for a minute as he spun her around in a beautiful gown and then pulled her in and kissed her. That was suppose to be me. I looked at the ring on my finger Luke had given me for our two year anniversary and knew what I had to do as I felt the rest of my heart shatter into a million pieces never to be fixed. I took the ring off and walked into the store holding in my tears the best I could. I walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. "Keirsten! omg what are you-" "shut up Luke please don't you think you have cause enough damage." I cut him off saying. "I was just about to bring you and the boys some Lunch but I guess you being at the studio was a lie most of the time, I'm so stupid to not see that." I toke a shaky deep breathe and continued, " I hope you're happy that you wasted two years of my life and broke my heart into a million pieces." Finally the sobs took over and I couldn't hold myself together as Luke awkwardly stood there watching me fall apart. "I did all this for you!" I exclaimed pointing out me new look. " I though maybe if I changed you could love me again like I love you. I'm sorry I wasn't enough." I continued sobbing and placed the ring in his hand and ran out of the mall as fast as I could.

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