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*Cadney's POV*

"Also, I accidently led the paps here." He said almost like he was embaressed.


"Yah, they took a picture while I was outside walking up to your door, your mum seems fine with it though."

"It's fine."

"So want to go do something today?"

"I was going to go shopping with Margo today but she still has to stay a while longer, they're doing tests on her."

"We could both go to the mall?" He suggested and I laughed.

"Sure, but you really want to go shopping?"

"Yah, as long as I get to go to some of my stores."

"Then let's go." I said picking up my clutch and phone.

*Harry's POV*

I was planning on buying her something today that we both could pick out. I'm not sure what it's going to be yet though.

"Can we go in Delia's? Please?" She whined.

"Sure but then we're going to one of my stores." She made a mad dash to Delia's in her boot was definetly wasn't graceful so i followed wuickly behind her incase she fell. She went to the dress area and found a couple dresses to try on and then went over to the graphic tees area.

"You should get this one." I suggested pointing to a shirt that had a giant barcode on it and underneath it said 'priceless'.

"I like that one!" She picked up that one and a few more and made her way to the dressing room. I sat outside of the dressing rooms waiting for her to come out and show me the dresses.

She came out in a white dress that was mid thigh and had a embroidered flower design on it. She spun around. She looked great, it made her tan look amazing and we both agreed to get it. She tried on a few other things and we went to check out. She was digging in her clutch to find her credit card but I quick pulled mine out and paid for the stuff before she could do anything.

"Harry, I was going to pay for that!" She said rudely hitting me on the arm.

"I know, but I paid anyways." I gave her a smile and she poked my dimples even though she was mad at me.

We went to a few more stores in the mall until I decided what I wanted to buy her. I walked over to the jewelry store with her hand in mine.

"Go at it." I told her pushing her towards the store.

"No." She refused crossing her arms.

"I want to buy you a necklace. C'mon." I begged.

"Fine. Let's go." She said putting a cute smile on her face. She walked over to one of the cases and pointed at something. "Harry."

"Coming." I walked over to her and she was pointing to a necklace with a lion on it and one with a giraffe.

"I love them." She said.

I asked the lady if we could buy those to and to make it even more special on the back of them its engraved our initials. She going to love it. The lady handed me the box and we walked back to the car with tons of bags in our hands.

Once we got our million bags into the car she asked, "Do you think we bought enough stuff?" She asked sarcastically.

"Honestly I think if you had the money you would buy the entire Delia's in your size." She laughed at my joke.

"Well I'm not the only one who bought a ton of stuff."


We decided to go to my house for awhile even though it's an hour away. When we got there my whole front gate was filled with paps.

"Ugh." I groaned hitting my head on the steering wheel.

"Honk the horn." She suggested and I did. They certainly didn't expect that and their faces were hilarious! Her beautiful laugh filled the car.

"C'mon and drive! I want to get inside!" She whined, bouncing up and down. I pulled through the gate and made sure it closed before going any further. We both hopped out of the car a grabbed our ton of bags and made our way inside.

She stood in the door way taking everything in holding all of her bags. Suddenly she collapsed on the ground holding her boot.

"Harry!" She yelled for me.

"What? What happened!?" I asked panicking.

"Do you have an ice pack?" She said holding her boot and carefully taking it off. I picked her up bridal style and took into the living room and laid her down on the couch and then I quick ran to the kitchen to grab an ice pack. When I came back she was rubbing her ankle over were they put a screw in to kept her ankle in place.

"Here you go."

"Thank you." She said a lot calmer.

"No problem. I'm going to out my bags upstairs, yell if you need anything!"

"Ok." She said as I walked upstairs.

Now I just got to figure out how to give her the necklace. I got it!

When I went down stairs and she was sleeping peacefully, perfect.

*Cadney's POV*

The doctors said that since I dislocated my ankle they put a screw to help keep my ankle in place while it healed and they said it might hurt sometimes the best thing to do is put it up with ice. I ended up falling asleep, even better.

I woke up to Harry calmly shaking me. I felt something cold on my chest and it was the lion necklace from the store. I picked it up and on the back was our initials engraved. It was beautiful! I looked over at Harry and saw him wearing one with a giraffe! I opened my arms for a hug since I couldn't walk and he got the message.

"Thank you, Harry." A smile spread on his face and poked at his dimples.


hey guys! they're so cute together! does any one want to make a ship name for them?!


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