Chapter 1

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The sun glistened on the lake next to the little town. The whole village of Lilyville was up and started the day. Everyone except Bob, Roxanne's husband. Bob was not a morning person, so he was up 9:00 am. Roxanne was up at 5:30 and was working in the garden when Bob came down with a sour look. Which meant he was going to bring up the D word.

"We need a dog," Bob said after he walked out to Roxanne.

"No we don't," she replied, instantly annoyed.

"Why not"

"I am not a dog person"


"Christina and Brooklyn are allergic to dogs"

"Why is everything about Christina and Brooklyn"

"Hey they are my friends and Mason's sisters"


"Wow your mean"

"Ever since they started the C.S.P.A. they have been getting far from us"

"From you, not me"

"What about Mason. Did he stay in touch"

There was a long silence. They haven't heard from Mason for 4 months. The only reason they knew he was alive was because Roxann stayed in touch with Christina and Brooklyn. Bob looked at Roxann; there was a tear on her cheek.

"Roxann I'm sorry I-"

"Just go"

Bob left for work and Roxann was left alone; the way she liked it when she was upset.

At 11:oo am Tom the mailman came with the mail. "How is it going Roxann," Tom said as he entered the house.

"Like normal," Roxann answers. She did not want to talk about anything right now.

"Oh mad at Bob."


"Not all week I hope."

"Just give me my mail and go," Roxann was annoyed.

"Fine," Tom laid the mail on Roxann's couch and started for the door.

"Wait," Roxann said, "I'm sorry. I'm just not in a good mood."

"It's ok. Just go to work and it will be fine"

"How did you know about that," Roxann asked scared.

"The whole town knows."

"Oh no. Bob will find out."

"What is wrong with that."

"Bob does not think I should have a job."


"Ya! I gotta go. Bye Tom."

"Bye, don't forget your mail"

"Thanks,"Roxann said when she closed the door.

Roxann was waking to the town square when she looked at the mail: some bills and a letter with no return address on it.It was addressed for her so she opened it. It was from the C.S.P.A or Christina's Sorcerer Protection Agency. Christina and Brooklyn started it to protect the Sorcerers: people that had special powers. e.g. telepaths, telekinetics, invisibility and shapeshifting.

Roxann read the letter; it said:

Dear Roxann Ann Lee,

We are sorry to inform you but Christina and Brooklyn Periwinkle have been kidnapped and are being held for ransom.

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