Chapter 2

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"So that's why you were sad when you came home last night," Bob said.

"That's all you got out of it. CHRISTINA AND BROOKLYN WERE KIDNAPPED!!!!" Roxann yelled at him.

"Okay if I can't yell you can't."

"Fine," Roxann said taking a deep breath. She started to rest her head on Bob's shoulder. He had gotten dressed and made coffee.

"Sugar plum I have to go to work okay?" Bob said lifting kissing Roxann's head.

"It's only 7."

"There was a shipment that came in last night that I have to unpack it."

"Okay, love you Baby Bobby."

"Love you too Sugar," Bob said and gave Roxann a kiss that seemed to last forever. Well, till someone interrupted it.

"AHEM," Mason said loudly. Roxann broke the kiss.

"Better go BB," Roxann said.

"Okay bye Roxann, Mason."

"Bye Bro," Mason said as Bob left. "Roxann I'm sor-r..."

Roxann pulled Mason into a huge hug, "No I'm sorry its my fault."

"No it never will be," Mason said giving Roxann a hug back.

"Do you think we have to much of a relationship?"

"No I think of you as a sister. Why you ask?"

"Just wondering. I do think of you as a brother," Roxann smiled at Mason, "so what are we going to do?"

"Well...," Mason said in deep thought. He kept thinking for 10 minutes.

Roxann was getting impatient so she decided to recall some memories.


Roxann was at lunch with her 2nd grade class and she was sitting by herself. She always sat by herself even at the orphanage.

"Hey is anyone sitting here?" one of the boys from her class said.

"No," Roxann said not looking up. The boy sat down acrost from her.

"My name is Mason."

*************End of Flashback****************

"Roxann! Roxann!"

Roxann opened her eyes and found herself lying on the floor with Mason looking down at her. "What happened?" Roxann asked getting up.

"You blacked out," Mason said, "you okay ?"

"Yeah," Roxann said rubbing her forehead, "so what do you want to do?"

"Well...," Mason said.

"Don't you dare," Roxann warned him.

"What?" Mason said looking innocent.

Roxann just rolled her eyes and checked the time. "It's already 8:00?"

"It is?"

"Yeah. I need to go to work."

"You have a job?"

"Yeah. What's wrong with that?"

"W   ell other than Bob currently talking to your boss, nothing," Mason said rubbing the back of his neck.

"What!!!" Roxann said running outside.

"Not again." Mason got up and ran after her, "Wait up!"

"How do you know?" Roxann asked when Mason coaght up with her.

"How do you trust that I am right?"

"I can tell when you are lying."

"Well then," Mason said looking away, "I may be following him with my powers."

"Oh you stalker."

"Hey, don't tell Bob." Mason and Roxann walked into The Restaurant and everyone was acting nerves.

"What is going on," Roxann asked Jadyan.

"Bob came in mad as ever and stomped into Audrey's office," Jadyan said pointing at the Boss's office. You could hear muffled arguing from inside.

Bob, I'm going to kill you! Roxann thought.

Mason saw the anger on Roxann's face: eyes slightly narrowed, jaw clenched, her death stare forming. Hey, calm down your mad is showing, he told her telepathically. Roxann took a deep breath. Just as she did, Bob stormed out of Audrey's office.

"I WARNED YOU," Bob yelled at Audrey who was coming out of her office, "I'LL TELL EVERYONE!" With that everyone turn and looked at Bob.

"Bob please calm down. We can take about it," Audrey said her voice as calm as ever.

"IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT," Bob turned looking at everyone, "AUDREY IS IN LOVE WITH A SORCERER!" With that he started to walk out. "Oh and Roxann I'll talk to you later," Bob said closing the door.

Everyone was whispering and looking at Audrey like she had two heads. "This is bad," Audrey said.

"Yes it is," Roxann agreed with her.

"You're in love with a sorcerer?" Mason asked. Both the girls looked at him with a look he know was a "Really" look. People were starting to get up and head for the door.

Roxann got a chair and stood on it. Mason covered his ears because he knew what Roxann was going to do. "HHHHEEEEEEEYYYYYYY!" Roxann yelled. Everyone covered there ears and looked at Roxann.

"What?" one of the people said. 

"Let me point out," she said in a soothing voice, "that Audrey has never left town."

"Ya so?" someone in the crowd asked.

"How many sorcerer have come into town?"

Everyone was quiet till someone said "Only Mason."

"So what does that mean?" Roxann asked everyone. They all just looked around not wanting to answer the question. "That means that," Roxann takes a deep breath, "Audrey is in love with Mason."

Mason looked at Audrey, "is that true?"

Audrey took a deep breath, "yes it is," She turned to everyone, " I love Mason Periwinkle!"

Everyone gasped and looked around. Most muttered to each other. Mason blushes lightly and his eyes widened. He didn't know what to say or how to respond. And Audrey was as red as a fire truck. She couldn't believe she just said that in front of Mason. She ran to her office and locked the door being so embarrassed. 

Mason was in shock. He didn't know what to do, or what to say. His face was flushed.

Roxanne looked around at all the people as they had their heads down in shame. Embarrasses that they had assumed what they did. Roxanne climbed off the table and smiled. Everyone started to sit back down.  As she looked at Mason she giggled. "You okay Mason?" She asked him.

"Ye-yeah. I'm...." Mason shock his head clear of his confusion, "I'm fine, Roxanne." He smiled at her. 

"You sure?" Roxanne asked worried.

"Yeah. Its okay. I'll talk to Audrey later."

Raxanne smiled. "Good. I should go talk with Bob. I need to make sure he understands I'm not letting him control me." She then turned and walked to the door; happy that Audrey finely told Mason but she felt bad that she had to do it like that. As she made her way home she keep thinking about the letter. And how to help Christina and Brooklyn.

(A/N) Hey buys I'm back. Its been. What months? Sorry It took so long. I'll be back soon with Chapter 3.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2019 ⏰

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