Who Was He?

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I heard voices bellowing in the living room downstairs. Laughter and loud cheers were exchanged between masters friends.

I took one more look in the mirror making sure I looked my best, as master had ordered of course.

My long legs were covered by my good pair of black skinny jeans, not wanting to disgust our guests with my bruises and ugly scrapes. I wore my white blouse with a small bow tie gently clasping my neck.

I turn around and head for the welcoming sound of visitors echoing through the large oak house.

I make my way down the stairs and into the kitchen. What had been messy and chaotic before was now a beautiful setting with mountains of fresh fruit and salty sancks as well as a number of beverages for any thirsty guests.

Nothing that I will get to eat..

I shake my head ignoring the thought. I shouldn't be so selfish, I ate just a few nights ago, a good meal too. Eric had treated me with his meal scraps, he left me some roast beef and the remainders of his mashed potatoes, his way of showing I did a good job.

I grab one of masters round serving trays and place several strongly mixed, but fruity drinks in an even pattern along it; making sure it wouldn't tip over.

Master would be so displeased.. not that I would blame him, but he hurts when he's angry.

I hear impatient hollars from the next room and I head in that direction, tray in hand.

When I walk in I notice a bunch of different people, all shapes and sizes.

All the same kind of attitude though I bet..

I snort and go about the room, making sure to mind my own business and being present only when I was needed. No one was rude to me; but no one really notice I existed either... fine by me.

I felt a hand gently lay on my shoulder, getting my attention.

I turn around, my eyes coming face to face with a big pair of hazelnut, long lashed eyes, they kind you would never be able to say no to. The kind that makes you want to hope again.

My gaze went down slightly to his lips, they were set in a heart breaking smile, so soft and memorizing. They were framed by his perfectly chiseled, fair skinned, defined face.

It took me a minute to realize I had been lost in my own world.. I was staring at the poor guy.. I'm probably scaring him from drooling so much over him.

I quickly compose myself and lift the tray of glasses so it's between our bodies.

Snap out of it. You're a maid, a lowlife.. that's probably all I will ever be. No one will ever want me. I'm pathetic..

I clear my throat and offer a sweet smile.

"Sorry sir I didn't see you, would you like anything?" I asked shakily. I was nervous, this handsome man has captivated me. I can't help it.

I need to get ahold of myself. If Master saw me being so flustered with this man right now he would be absolutely furioise.

A deep and seductive chuckle tore me from my train of thought.

His big brown eyes looked through me as if I were a ghost. I was so vulnerable to him.

His smile widened to show his pearl perfect teeth. Almost making me faint right then and there.

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