Chapter 32: A Neophyte Hayun

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Chapter 32: A Neophyte Hayun

“How do you like the peach rose and ground peanut porridge, my dear?” the old lady asked, picking up the Boy’s bowl. 

“It tasted delicious, thank you!” he replied, wiping his mouth on the back of his sleeve, something his Nana would have frowned upon at had she seen it. 

The old lady though asked, smiling sweetly, “Would you like some more?” She walked to the stove and stirred the porridge.  

“Yes,  please,” the Boy said, realizing that he was hungry, he had not eaten since the dinner of Bacon wrapped Bitter Gourd Roll in the plaza the other night.

“Here you go,” the old lady, placed the wooden bowl filled with peach colored porridge before the Boy.  

The Boy dug into the porridge at once, mumbling a quick, “Thank you.”

The old lady sat down again, she turned to the old man and asked, “How is are things in the North, Sol?”

“Quiet,” he replied sipping his rose tea. 

“Have you heard of what is going on over in Illudere?” she asked him.

“Yes dear, the roads are all buzzing of rumors of the war, Tamar here can tell you more if you want,” he said, gesturing to the Boy.

“No, it is alright, I have heard enough, thank you,” she said. “Though Tamar, why would you know, my dear?” she asked.  

“I found him in the forest near the Castle,” Sol offered. 

“I got lost,” Tamar lied, and continued to spoon warm porridge into his mouth. 

The old man stared hard at him, but did not catch him out on the lie.

“Do you think that we should leave the city, my love?” the old lady asked Sol.

“And where would we go?” Sol asked, frowning, 

“I can live anywhere, as can you, Sol, we do not need to cling to this land,” she argued, picking up the old man’s empty bowl and taking it to the sink. 

“This is my father's house, we are not going anywhere,” he replied, standing up.

“Even if it means to be in the middle of this war?” she retorted, dropping the bowl into the soapy water with a splash.  

“Sorry Elliera, I did not mean to upset you,” Sol said. “I simply meant that it is not time yet. I am sure the City will be able to deal with this crisis, the same way as it has dealt with everything else.”

“But this City is but a baby, it has never seen a war before,” Elliera said, “Do you think that the council at City Hall is ready for something like this?”

“There is always the Highway, we can hide there,” Sol suggested, hopefully, walking towards her.  

Elliera remained silent as she soaped the dishes. “I think that we need to go West into Mizo,” she said after a while. 

“We will talk about this further, another time,” the old man said, sitting back down, “we have a guest Elliera.”

There was a gentle knock on the door. “Dear, could you get the door please,” Elliera said to Sol her hands deep in the warm soapy water.

“I am coming,” Sol called grumpily as he stomped out of the kitchen. 

The Boy heard the sound of the door opening. “I am looking for a boy,” a woman's voice trailed. Tamar's ears perked up, he did not know who the speaker was, but he had a feeling that he is who she was looking for. “He is about this tall,” the woman said, but the Boy could not see her mime, “he has blonde hair and brown eyes. Have you seen him?”

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