Chapter 39: The End of the Past's Time in the Third Tower

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Chapter 39: The End of the Past’s Time in the Third Tower

Fresh in my mind had been the Boy’s encounter with his precious Master, the stand off in the depths of Mt Krosu, when I heard the sound of someone rattling my door. It was it the Boy, but he was no longer a Boy. It was Tamar Kobin. 

“Zsara de la Mira, are you awake?” he asked. “Wake up, Zsara,” he shouted. 

“Quiet, be quiet boy,” I called, half lost in the memory, perhaps the last I would have of the Boy. 

“Hurry, wake up, and move backwards,” he said, banging on my door.

“What are trying to do boy?” I demanded, standing up, and backing away as he had commanded. Then I heard a crash. And saw in my past sight, the sequence of the Boy man ramming the door down with a bollard. I did not know where he had gotten it from. 

“Hurry,” Tamar said, grabbing my arm, and pulling me towards the door. We ran for a long while on flat surfaces, until he paused slightly and said, “Stairs, Zsara, be careful.” Then we ran down flights after flights of winding stone steps. “Careful,” he kept on repeating. Then when we stopped again, he said, “Do you mind going for a ride, Keeper of the Past? Do you want to rejoin us in the Present and put a stop to this war?” 

“Where are we going?” I demanded.

“To where all this madness had began, to Mount Hilaku,” he said, “Are you afraid to face the Present, Keeper of the Past?” 

“Do I have a choice?” I asked. 

“As you had said, we always have a choice, Zsara de la Mira,” he said, with a smile in his voice. 

“Then I shall do as you wish,” I replied. 

I saw him smile at me in my past sight and I saw myself reflected in the shine of his eyes. In his eyes I was not a broken old hag hiding in a tower, but a silver haired sage, ready to change the world. I let him help me up the horse and in such a way, we headed to face the War of the Black Prince. 

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