Twenty One

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"Yeah, of course, Leo. I'll be there."

"Can't wait then."

"Me either."

See you later."

"You too."

As he's leaving, Melissa walks in. Zayn can see her looking suspiciously at him. "Whatever you're thinking, the answer is no." He quickly says.

"A date?"

Zayn shakes his head. "No. Not a date."

"Weird. Because that smile on your face says you think otherwise. You like him."

But Zayn isn't having any of that. "No. I do not. Well, I like him but not like him, like him."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yes. I'm still going to be with Harry for this last week and a half. Until then, I don't like anybody who is not him."

"Good. The best way to deal with a cheater you plan on leaving for cheating is to not cheat yourself. But... Just to entertain the thought because there is certainly nothing wrong with entertaining a thought. If you weren't with Harry, would you go for Leo?"

Zayn chuckles to himself and digs in a box of ribbons. "Obviously, you don't just let a guy like that get away, now do ya?"

She smiles. "No."

After nudging him playfully, they laugh together.

This is what it feels like it's meant to be. It should be. And yes, he wants it to be.


Zayn can feel Harry squeeze his waist as he puts the last of tonight's dishes away. "What are you doing?"

"Coming to help you."

He laughs. "Fine time to do so, isn't it? I'm almost done."

"Yeah, I was busy. Had some last minute stuff to do."


Harry hugs Zayn from behind. "You seem happy."

"I am."


"I just am."

"But it's abnormal. And you already said you can't be happy with me."

His smile fades. "Harry, please don't. I don't want to argue."

"I'm not. I'm just saying. It's strange that you started full-time work and then suddenly you're all smiles and humming while you put up the dishes. Don't you think?"

"No. I don't think. I'm just happy." He spins out of Harry's grip and leans against the counter with a smile. "What's wrong with being happy?"

"Nothing. I want you to be happy."

"Okay, and I am." He leans forward and kisses Harry sweetly. "I love you."

"Yeah. I know."

Zayn puts the last dish away and then hangs the rag over the stove. Harry just watches him with narrowed eyes. He's too happy. The way things have been between them lately could not have possibly yielded this type of bubbliness from him and he wants to get to the bottom of it.

He hums. "So, baby. Did you meet anybody new during this full time change?"

"Nope. It's the same people. I'm just seeing them everyday now."

"Does that include the dolt with the glasses?"

Zayn frowns. "He's not a dolt. In fact he's very smart. He's just kinda quiet."

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