Thank You ❤

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Thank you so much for reading, voting and commenting on this story. The participation was absolutely incredible and meant so much to me. You have no idea how much you inspired me. And my usual readers know chapters usually never come out every other day. So that gives you an idea how much you all inspired me.

I usually dedicate a new finished story to the person who voted and commented all the time under that particular story. However, I just feel so guilty cause there's at least fifteen people I'm thinking of off the top of my head and people will be left out. At first I said I'd only pick one like I always do. But then I bumped it up to three. And then five. And then six. Then seven. Now eight. But that's it. 😫😭


Half of these have read a few of my other Zarry stories and always leave comments even if it's just one heartfelt one at the end of the chapter. Yes I notice you. I told you. ❤ The other half, I don't remember seeing before, so you may be new to reading my works but your inline comments throughout the chapters were plentiful and hilarious and your eagerness for my updates inspired me. Thank you so much. Those eight spots weren't easy to choose because there were others who could have easily took them. But for those who didnt, if you come on over to my newest stories I'll try my best to notice you again there too!

Thanks again, everyone. Sorry to anyone who feels left out in the dedications. Not my intentions at all. I promise! x


If you can't help but want to fulfill your dark side from time to time by reading dark, toxic Zarry stories, I have written two more which you can find in my stories.

If you can't help but want to fulfill your dark side from time to time by reading dark, toxic Zarry stories, I have written two more which you can find in my stories

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PAYBACK » Zarry ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora