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-you are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey. You never know, dear, how much I love you

Please don't take my sunshine away.

The other night, dear, as I lay sleeping

I dreamt I held you in my arms

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken

So I hung my head, and I cried me happy when skies are grey.-

Ricky's POV.

Were doing a local show tonight. and Farrah is coming along as always. Im planning on purposing on stage. I just hope everything goes well.

----that night.

We were on stage getting ready for the last song. Chris was talking to the crowd me and the other guys were getting the crowd excited!

Everything was great until i felt a sharp pain in my side. i looked down to see a sharp piece of scrap metal in my side, it was too deep and too painful to pull out. i heard a scream from off stage. i knew it was Farrah, i tried to run towards her but i fell into a world of darkness. Not now not ever why'd this have to happen?All i can think about is Farrah. what made her scream. what happened during the concert. was anyone else hurt? am i dead.


It was dark and i was in what seemed to be a hospital. there seemed to be no one here. only me.

I have to admit I'm scared. i looked at my side. i seen a steady flow of blood coming out of a hole in my side. i gasped

I heard a loud demonic laugh coming from the other side of hospital. i followed it.

"Hello?" i called out nearing a soft yellow glow coming from behind a closed door. i knocked.

"Come in." said a dark deep voice from the other side. i slowly opened the door.

Revealing a dark figure, You could see its bones through the very tight skin that surrounded its body. it had no eyes just dark black holes where the eyes should be. and when it began to talk to me i could see 2 sharp rows of teeth.

"Don't be afraid." it said.

"Who... what are you?" i asked it.

"I. Am. Death." it said

"Does this mean I'm dead? please no please no." i begged.

"You are not dead. yet." It said in its dark tone.

"Then why are you here" i asked

"Because i wanted to let you know that your end is near." It said.

"But but when. why?" I said as i started to shake realizing that it wasn't joking and i could be dead in a few months.

"You'll know when you time comes." he said as he stood up and started to walk pass me. i had no words and just kept staring.

"Close your mouth boy you'll get flies." he said disappeared with a trail of black smoke.

I heard a faint beeping becoming louder and louder as the light in front of me got brighter and brighter. Im alive. I need to know how Farrah is doing.

A nurse came in and was relieved to see me up, and ready to walk. even though I'm still in pretty rough shape i managed to sit up and ask her about Farrah. She told me no girl was admitted to the hospital by the first name Farrah. Fuck!! i asked her about the rest of the guys... She never heard of them either she said she'd go check for me. she came back. no one by the names Devin Sola, Chris Cerulli, Josh Balz, Ryan Sitkowski, and Angelo Parente. Then i asked her...

"What about Ricky Olson?"

"Umm let me go check for you." she said and went out the room.

she came back.

"Im sorry there is no Ricky or Richard or Rick Olson here." she said. i had a blank expression on my face.

"Then who am i?" i asked her.

She cackled almost evilly. i have to admit I'm kind of scared.

The next thing i know she has black tentacles flying from behind her. Next thing i see is a wicked smile on her face and the room lights buzzing and flickering on and off... Then everything went black.


Song: you are my sunshine by Copeland

Short chapter i know. sorry about that. I've been working on a new book. i decided to delete 'Black Roses.' i just wasn't feeling it. but i did start a new one so if you have nothing to do or do have something to do and don't feel like doing it go check it out! Its called 'It all Comes Back'. and just so you know Ricky Olson is in the book, a few others will pop in once and a while but not often. some creepypastas like Jeff the Killer, Slenderman, Eyeless Jack, etc. so yeah go check that out.umm yeah i gotta go practice my guitar^.^ so yeah ill be updating soon.

Stay Motionlessxx.

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