Detention sucks-Chapter 8

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Ashley's POV

I hate detention. It's super boring. B-O-R-I-N-G.

I was currently sitting next to Logan in detention, as you could've guessed. Their were about 15 people here? The sound of the clock was really getting on my nerves.

I started doodling on a random sheet of paper, their was literally nothing else to do. Drawings of flowers, cats, footballs... The teacher wasn't in our classroom. Why hasn't anyone sneaked out yet?

"Hey Ash, wanna sneak out?"Logan asked me.

"What if we get caught?"

"We won't,"

"How do you know?"

"Do you trust me?"

"Where have I heard that before?"I replied sarcastically. He chuckled, "Just answer the question,"

"Yes,"I said, hesitating just a little.

"Then let's go!"

"Fine, but don't make me regret this,"

  He nodded. Quietly, we stepped out of the classroom, glancing around the lit up hallways. Logan creeped around the corner to where the exit was. I followed him out, surprised that we didn't get caught.

"So now what?"I asked Logan. The sunlight made his hair looked like fire.

"Follow me," Logan said, looking around. He ran behind the school, and stopped at the forest, that would've been hidden from the front of the school's view. It looked like he was searching for a way to get into the forest. Like lightning, he ran over to a small opening between two trees.

I followed him inside, astounded by the beauty of the forest. Everything was so colorful and lit up. Orange, yellow, brown, and green leaves clung onto the trees, with some scattered across the ground. About 2 minutes later, we came to a stop at a small creek.

The creek was a clear, blue-ish color. A bunch of small pebbles lay at the bottom of it. I watched amazed at the tiny fish swimming inside of it. The sound of the water, and the rustle of the leaves were so calming. I'm surprised I haven't noticed this before, since I've been here multiple times.

Logan hoped over the creek, and landed on the other side. I'd say it was about 2.5 feet wide. Hesitantly, I jumped over the creek, stumbling a bit as I landed. Luckily, I grabbed Logan's hand before I feel backwards. If he wasn't there, I probably would've fell into the creek. A small, embarrassing blush crept onto my cheeks as I looked down. Logan laughed at this and lead me deeper into the woods, still holding my hand.

A few minutes later, we ended up in a small meadow, still surrounded by trees. Lilacs and daisies covered most of the meadow,leaving a flowery sent everywhere. There was one thing that caught my eye. A particular tree stood out from the rest. It was beautiful, and with the angle of the sun's rays, it was even more pretty.

"I found this place, isn't it beautiful?"Logan asked me, though it sounded more like a statement.

"It really is breathtaking. Hey can we climb that tree?"I spoke, pointing to the lonely tree on the far side of the meadow.

"Sure, race ya!"Logan yelled before taking off in the direction of the tree.

I laughed before taking off after him. My hair lashed out at the wind. I was smiling, the cool,crisp fall breeze blew through my hair as I ran. A set of goosebumps appeared on my skin, but I didn't really mind. As suspected, i lost the race, but that doesn't mean I didn't have fun!

"Ha! I beat you!"Logan said smirking at me.

"Whatever, I'm still more awesome,"I stated proudly.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night,"

I decided to ignore him, due to failing at finding a good comeback. I started climbing the tree. It wasn't actually that hard. I kept climbing until I got to the point where I could see the whole sunset. Logan climbed up next to me. Another chilly breeze swept through the air, but this time I wasn't cold. Although, Logan was. A couple sets of goosebumps settled on this skin.

"You cold?"I asked him. He nodded in response.

"Take this," I said, handing him my fluffy sweater. Since it didn't fit him, he draped it around his shoulders. The goosebumps started to fade away.

"Thanks. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around.." Logan asked, smiling at me.

"What can I say. I'm not a big fan of cliches," I said, grinning at him. People always assume a girl can only get cold, because she's not as tough. Never a guy, because he is 'tough'. But you can be tough and still get cold. Guys can still get cold.

"How are you not cold?"He asked me, looking quite stunned.

I shrugged, "I don't get cold that often,"

He nodded, still not looking convinced. I looked down at his hand, placing my hand over it. He looked down and smiled. With our hands together, resting on the tree branch, this moment was perfect.


Well wasn't that romantic! *wiggles eyebrows*

Anyways...sorry for the late update, please don't kill me!
*Hides behind Dumbledore*

I'll start updating sooner now!

Love you all❤️💛💚💙💜💗

If u wanna see more dancers/singers videos (like Ashley and Logan's duet) check out my book called 'My life and Updates'
The chapterS with videos of dancers/singers should be called,
-Watch Em 2

They are all towards the end of the book.

Blue hearts and pink kisses

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