Chapter 34: Where's Mel?

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I couldn't see anything, I could only hear the muffled sounds of cars speeding by and the bumping and rocking of the wheels on the road. My heart was racing quickly. Darkness was the only thing that was visible to me right now. I couldn't move, couldn't speak; I couldn't even open my mouth to cry. I was scared, and wanted my mommy, my sister, and my daddy. I didn't know what was going on, or where I was. All I knew was that I was afraid and lost. What if I never make it home?

5 Hours Earlier (Taylor)

"Mommy?!" Melanie yelled for me, coming down the stairs.

"Yes?!" I yelled back.

"Uhm, can daddy take Addison and I to the park please?" She asked sweetly.

"Sure, why don't you invite Addison over and daddy will take you guys to the park." I said to her, smiling.

"But she's right here, look behind you." I looked behind me and saw a smiling face looking over me.

"Hi, Ms. Taylor!" Addison said.

"Oh hello, sweetie!" I was startled but I was glad to see her. I hadn't seen her in a while since school started.

"How are you?" She asked giving me a hug.

"Good! How are you?" I asked, hugging her back.

"That's good, I'm good too, thanks! So is it okay if Mel and I go to the park?" She asked with shimmering eyes.

"Of course, just make sure you stay there and don't go anywhere else okay?" I said to her delicately.

"We will. We won't go anywhere, I promise." She put a pinkie up.

"Pink promise!" She finished as she locked our fingers together. I smiled at her and then they went to get their coats.

"Come give me kisses girls!" For clarification, I've known Addison since she was a baby, her mom and I have been good friends since high school, so I know Addison like she's one of my own children. She comes over all the time and has spent the night here, too. They came running to me and then crashed into my arms that were spread for them to arrive in. I wrapped them up tight and kissed there heads. "I love you both, stay safe and have fun." I said, then Melanie gave me a kiss on the lips and I helped them with their coats and shoes. It was fall time now so the temperature was dropping and the air was becoming bitter. After they had all there stuff on, they went out the door and waited on the front stoop. Zac came over to me to say goodbye.

"Hey, I'm going to take them now. I'll be back soon okay?" He said, leaning in to kiss me. I kissed him and then gave him a tight bear-hug.

"I love you." He finished.

"Okay, I love you too." I said back. A short disclaimer; I trust Melanie a lot. She's really mature for 5 year old and I don't think that she would cause any trouble. I also trust Addison with Melanie. They've been best friends since they were born basically, and I wouldn't ever think that they would have a problem together. They've never ever had a fight and they don't ever cause trouble. Plus, the park isn't that far from our house. That's one of the many reasons why we moved here. It was close to a park, the school, and had lots of places to go and things to do. That's why I liked it so much. It had diversity and variety. It was a safe area and the girls loved that park. That was the park that I took Tessa too all the time when she was little. She sometimes took Melanie there but she was still sleeping right now, otherwise I bet she would've been a good sport and would've gone with them. She's done that before.

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