Chapter 40: College Is Rough

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*Ringing from FaceTime*
I picked up my phone after I heard it ringing and saw it was Tessa calling to FaceTime me. A huge smile appeared on my face as I answered the phone.
"Mom!!!" Tessa exclaimed.
"Hey, you!!!" I exclaimed as well.
"I miss you so much..." She said seriously this time. I looked at her.
"I miss you so much more..." I looked to the side, then back at her.
"What's up?" She asked, trying to lighten things up.
"Just got home from dance with Mel and now I'm about to make dinner, what's up with you?" I asked in return.
"Well, I can tell you this; college is rough." She informed me.
"Yeah? Elaborate." I asked her lightly.
"Well..." She thought for a moment. "There are piles of homework, lots of early classes, the classes are long- they almost go all day- and the most obvious of them all, I miss you so much. You have no idea." She pushed out all in one breath.
"Aww, I'm sorry and I miss you so much too. You have no idea, but is there anything that you like? I mean there has to be something..." I explored.
"Well, of course, there are some things that I like. For example, I like my roommate, she's super cool. You have to meet her sometime. I like learning new things and I like being independent. Also, I like the--" She stopped mid-sentence and mumbled something under her breath.

"What was that?" I asked her, smiling innocently. I had a feeling she was talking about cute boys or something like that.

"Nothing, There's just cute boys here..." She blushed.

"Wooohh, college boys!" I winked at her.

"Ugh, mom don't do that! That makes me so uncomfortable." She said softly.

"Does it? What's his name? How old? What's he like?" I spit at her.

"Mom!" She repeated. 

"What?! Just answer the question and this will all go away." I said slyly. 

"Ugh...." She took a pause before speaking, then she finally said, "Finn, he's 18, and he's...He's perfect. Dark brown hair, and green eyes like emeralds." I could tell she was dozing off, so I decided to disturb her daydream. 

"Tessaaa Janeee Efronnnn!" I belted out. She let out a little squeal and then said, "How rude, I was daydreaming!" 

"I know... that's why I woke you from that dream. To join me back down to earth." I smiled at her.

"Whatever, if you knew how cute he was, you would daydream too!" She blared out. 

"Oh, would I?" I asked her, hoping she'd send me a picture of him.

"I don't have a picture of him if that's what you're aiming at." She suspected my tactics before I could even make another sound.

"Yes you do, just go onto the student logbook, he should be in there already." I said. I went to the same college Tessa is at, so I knew a lot about it. It made me feel better knowing that she was at a good college, in a safe area, and one that I knew enough about so that I wasn't worrying my head off all day. Even though, I still do that. 

"Ugh, do I have to?" She whined. 

"Yes, you do. Unless you want me to do it for you, I can."

"No..It's fine, I'll do it. Gimme a second." She put herself on pause and was silent for a moment. Finally, she was done.

"There, I texted it to you." She said seriously.

"You're not happy that I made you do that, are you?" I asked, sort of chuckling at her.

"No, I wasn't." She smiled though, so I knew she wasn't too bothered by me. I'm not quite sure how my kids put up with me for all these years, and honestly, they could ask me the same thing. They are a handful, but mostly they are perfect and I wouldn't change them for the world. I heard the ding from my text tone and I went to look at it.

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