With you through everything and the cold

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If you have any requests, feel free to message them to me. I have my own ideas too, but I would love to do yours.

His parents were strongly against it, but he did it anyway. He invited her to Italy with him. What? He's always super bored when he travels only with his parents. But what he didn't tell her that the winter in Italy is much colder than in Buenos Aires.

"Are we there yet?" A sleepy, yet still full of energy, Luna asked.

"Still about two and half hours left to go. It hasn't changed in two seconds." Matteo said and chuckled to Luna's adorableness.

"Still that much?" Luna whined and received a weird look from Matteo's dad.

"What if you tried to sleep, even though it's not that easy in a plane." Matteo suggested and for his surprise Luna put her head on Matteo's shoulder and closed her eyes.

Matteo and Luna were sitting in a plane, his parents in the row next to them. Matteo's ticket has read the window seat, but his willpower isn't the best when Luna begs something from him. So now here they were, Luna sleeping on Matteo's shoulder and he looking with soft, loving eyes down at her.

"You're staring." Luna pointed out.

"I'm gazing," Matteo objected.

"It's creepy."

"It's romantic." Matteo said and Luna sighed in defeat.

"Why I agreed to do this?" Luna asked smiling to the boyfriend of hers.

"Because you love me." Matteo said, "or at least I hope you do."

"I do."


"Matteo why didn't you tell me that it's going to be this cold?" Luna whined as they landed.

"You never asked," Matteo laughed and took his suitcase. "Do you have any warm clothes?"

"I have, I knew that here's colder, but I didn't know that here would be snow!" (Correct me if I'm wrong)

"Have you ever made snow angel?" Matteo asked, laughing to the shivering girl next to him as they waited the limo to come.

"No? I don't know." Luna said and she shivered so much that Matteo started pitying the girl.

"Here take my jacket." Matteo said as he put his jacket over Luna's shoulders.

"No, Matteo you are going to freeze without it." Luna tried to object, but Matteo just laughed.

"I think I'm going to survive about two minutes."

"And what makes you think that I can't?" Luna pouted and it took a lot of willpower from Matteo to not to kiss her there.

"The way you were shivering, chica delivery, tells a lot." Matteo teased Luna.

"I did not shiver that much!"

"Could you just accept the fact that I survive and your warm?" Matteo asked.

"Fine, but we'll get back to this later." Luna said and crossed her arms over her chest. Maybe to make sure Matteo understood the point or maybe because she tried to hug herself to make her warmer.


Luna and Matteo were supposed to meet Matteo's family over a dinner, but Matteo took forever to get ready. You would think that Luna took more time, with her long hair and everything, but no. Matteo changed his shirt at least four times and still wasn't happy with the result.

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