The one with the soulmates

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I'm actually so in love with soulmate stories, so here's one of my own. And just that you know, I had no idea what Luna's and Matteo's favorite colors would be, so I made something up.

What is a soulmate? In Oxford Dictionary of English, soulmate is described as

soulmate | ˈsəʊlmeɪt | noun

a person ideally suited to another as a close friend or romantic partner

and personally I think that it's true. Soulmate can be just your closest friend, but it can also be your romantic partner.

But sometimes even if you are soulmates it doesn't work out. And that is very odd and in very rare cases. Sometimes one person can have several soulmates and sometimes the one who is yours may not have you as theirs. In some cases you may not even have one.

Now let's talk about how you know who's yours. This may not be the case in all situations, but have you ever noticed that one (or more in other cases as we just said) color is greyish? That's because it's the favorite color of your soulmate and you can't see it.

So how do platonic friendships come along with this? The color you can't see is not greyish, it is just very faded.

Okay, there's 7.6 billion people on this earth and only one (or more, again, as we said) of them is your soulmate. There's got to be people with the same favorite color, right?

So, how do you know who's your soulmate?

Well you don't. Not until you physically touch them. Because that's when you can first see the color, that your soulmate is so fond of.


Luna had never seen the color green and she found it stupid. She saw some shades of green, yes. The ugly military green and some other darker greens. But not the one her eyes were.Everyone always told her how beautiful the shade of green her eyes were, but all she saw when she looked in a mirror was this boring grey.

She had always wondered why she couldn't see the exact color of her eyes, but deep down she knew why. It was more of not wanting to accept that somewhere out there she had a soulmate. A guy (or girl) who she would grow to love. She didn't believe in fate, so she definitely didn't believe in soulmates. She wanted to decide herself, who she would love.

"Mom, can I ask you a question?" Luna asked one night as they were eating dinner. She was no older than six.

"Whatever you want to know."

"How do you know when you find the one? Because I may have found him." she said, and her father almost choked on his water.

"Well, sweetie. You have always complained about how you can't see the shade of your eyes, right? Well, as soon as you can see it, you have found the one. Can you see your eye color now?"

"Oh, may I go check?" Luna asked. For a six-year-old, she was very polite.

"Of course, pumpkin." her father spoke and watched as the young girl ran to the mirror.

Her parents watched as her smile went from enthusiastic to no smile at all. "I still can't see anything but grey!" she yelled out of disappointment.

"Have you been in contact with him?" her mother asked. "Because only then you can see the color."

"We played tag today and I caught him. Mom, I don't get this at all. If he wasn't my soulmate, then who is?"

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