Chapter 14

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A/N: So I'm not sure how many people will read this, but I'm now taking requests on what to update next. If you have a certian book you'd like me to update, feel free to comment on this (or any other) book and/or message me. I'll try to update the book with the most requests from now on. :) I'll be updating 'You're My Last Hope' after this one, so all the requests will start counting after that.

Thanks to anyone who actually read this. Have a lovely day/night. <3


Chapter 14

"Well this was fun but I really should get home." Jack says as we step up to her house. Turns out she only lives a block away from Brent and me. Brent pouts.

"Reallllly?" She pouts back and nods.

"Really really. I'll see you guys tomorrow?" Austin, Brent and I all nod. She smiles and takes her bag (she bought a bunch of bracelets and a cat shirt) from Brent, walking up the steps to her house and opening the door. She waves back at us as she goes into her house. Brent looks over at Austin and I, giving us an awkward look. Austin raises an eyebrow and looks at him oddly.

"What?" Brent's eyes widen and he opens his mouth, closes it, then looks at me.

"I ship you guys." Before Austin or I could say anything, he ran off toward out house. I roll my eyes and look at her. She shrugs and smirks a bit.

"Wanna go see Ayla?" I nod and at her and pull my phone out of my pocket.

"Yea sure. Let me tell Mom that I'm going to go to your house or something." I say, trying to find her name in my contacts. It was pretty easy. The only people in my contact list are my parents, Brent and Austin. She nods and rocks back and forth on her heels. Once I found Mom, I sent her a message saying U'd be with Austin for a few hours. I put my phone back into my pocket and smile at Austin.

"Okay. Let's go."


"Hey guys, my parents will be home soon. When do you think you'll be leaving?" Brooke asks, poking her head through the attic door. Austin shrugs, petting Ayla's head. Ayla had her head on Austin's leg and was looking at her with big puppy eyes.

"Soon I guess." Brooke nods and closes the door back. Austin sighs and looks at me.

"I don't want to leave her here alone. She looks so scared...." I sigh and nod, petting her back softly.

"I know. I wish there was a way we could take her home with us." Austin sighs and nods, looking down at her.

"Yea. But this town is stupid. We can't have pit bulls as pets without people thinking we want to murder them. I mean, look at this dog. Even if she could, she wouldn't hurt a fly. Look at this face. Does she look like a murderer to you?" Austin asks in a puppy voice. I shake my head and scratch behind her ear.

"No. Not at all." Austin stands up, picking Ayla's head up and laying it down on a pillow Brooke put up there for her. I stand up after her and dust the dirt off of my jeans. Austin didn't even bother to do that. She just want downstairs. I leaned down and stroked Ayla's coat.

"Bye girl. We'll see you tomorrow." With that, I ran downstairs after Austin, careful to close the door after I did. I caught up with Austin in the hallway. She looks at me and gives me a little half smile.

"Ready to go?" I nod and wait for her to start walking first. She scoffs a bit and turns on her heel.

"You're like an adorable lost puppy Jaydon." she says over her shoulder. I shrug and smile at her.

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