Chapter 1: A New Begining

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It's been a few days now that Kaname and Yuii joined Fairy Tail. They started making lots of new friends in the guild. All of sudden this one wizard just randomly took off his clothes, just leaving him in his boxers. "Gray-sama, you're clothes!" This one wizard named Cana screamed. "Ah!" Gray shouted, scrambling to put his clothes back on. "Why does he always takes off his clothes?" Yuii asked Cana. "I honestly don't know. He's been doing that for as long as I knew him," Cana said. "This guild is awfully noisy." Kaname said. "You're right, Onee-san. But this guild is really fun!" Yuii said. "I guess you're right, Yuii-chan." Kaname said patting on her head.

Finally, two days later, Natsu came back from his job. "Alright, I'm back!" Natsu shouted at the guild hall. "Yuii, Kaname. Didn't you guys say that you wanted to talk to Natsu about something?" Cana asked to them. "Yeah, he's back?" Yuii asked. "Yup, he's right there." Cana said pointing at the kid with the pink hair and the scaley looking scarf. "That's him? That's Salamander? I didn't except him to be around your age, Yuii." Kaname said. "Well, he is," she said. "Damn..." Kaname said.

They want up to Natsu. He looks up at them and said, "Are you guys new members of the guild?" Natsu asked. "That's right," Kaname said. "We wanted to asked you something," Yuii said. They asked Natsu if he knew anything about the disappearance of their dragons. They ended up finding out that Natsu's dragon also disappeared on July 7, X777 the same day when Kaname and Yuii's dragons disappeared on too. "I can't believe that you guys are dragon slayers too," Natsu implied. "That's right," Yuii said smiling. "We should look for our dragons together!" Natsu implied. "Yeah, we should!" Yuii exclaimed.

After setting down in Magnolia, Kaname and Yuii bought a house there that's right by the the river side. It was a two story house with 3 bedrooms and 3 bathrooms in each bedroom. The house was pretty roomy. It was a totally steal for them because the rent for that house is only $40,000 jewels per month.

Over the next few weeks, Yuii and Natsu went out in search of their dragons while Kaname stayed back at the guild enjoying his time there while talking to the other members. "You sure that you didn't want to join your sister and Natsu in search of your dragons?" Makarov asked. "No, it's fine. Plus, Yuii gets to spend more time with people that's her age instead of staying by my side the whole time. Ya know?" Kaname said. "I see," said the master. "How old is Yuii?" He asked. "She's only 9 years old." Kaname said. "Ah, and how about you, Kaname?" He asked. "I'm 16." Kaname answered. "Ah, I have a grandson that's the same age as you." Makarov said. "Oh, really?" Kaname asked. "That's right. His name is Laxus. He's also part of this guild. But you don't see him much because he's usually out on jobs." Makarov explained. "I'll introduce you to him when he comes back." He continues. "Alright, sounds good to me." Kaname said.

Few Days Later...

A boy with blonde hair with a lighting shaped scar on his eye and with spiky headphones on came walking into the guild. "Ah, Laxus. I see you came back from your job. How was it?" Makarov asked. "Eh, it's was alright." Laxus responded. "Laxus, there's someone that I want to introduce you too. He's one of the newest member of the guild." Makarov said. "Uh... Okay?" Laxus said. Makarov went to get Kaname to introduce to Laxus. "Well, I'll leave you two be." Makarov said and then left.

"So, you're new here?" Laxus asked. "Yeah, pretty much." Kaname answered. The two of them just started talking about how Kaname came to join the guild and what kind of magic they use. "Like hell, I'll believe that you raised by an actual dragon. There's already another one that claims that he was raised by one too." Laxus said. "You mean Natsu, right?" Kaname said. "Yeah, him. That little punk." Laxus said rudely. "Well, believe what you what. It's true though." He said. "Eh, whatever..." Laxus said.

Laxus told Kaname about how he wants to start his own team but he can't find anyone to join. "Well, what about Mirajane or Erza? They're close to your age. You guys are two years apart from each other." Kaname suggested. "Yeah, well... Both of them are pretty annoying and they hang out with those losers." Laxus said glaring at the younger generation of the Fairy Tail wizard. "I see. How about why don't we start a team together? We are the age." Kaname suggested. "Maybe.. I don't know you that well or how strong you are. I want to form the strongest team in Fairy Tail." Laxus said. "How about we take on a job together and see how things turns out?" Kaname said. "Fine." Laxus replied quickly.

They went to the job board and picked out a hard job to take on. After they agreed on what job to take on, they took the train to where the job was. On the train ride there and back, both of them got really bad motion sickness. "I swear, don't tell a soul about what happened on the train." Laxus said. "Fine, the same goes for you." Kaname said. "Deal," the both on them agreed. "So, do you want to want to start a team together?" Kaname asked. "Sure, but I get to be the leader." Laxus said. "Okay, fine. Should we come up with a name for our team?" Kaname asked. "Yeah, let's call it the Thunder Legion." Laxus said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2014 ⏰

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